big day today, got to finish up the remodeling of my office at psycho clown, and get some more stuff in order for the cali trip...
yeah... painting sucks
Editing A Photo Shoot I Did Yesterday Of A Girl Ive Known For 12 Years Or More, Going To Submit It For SG, She Really Wants To Join Up...
Good luck with the editing... I hope it gets accepted
up kind of early today, lots to do...trying to get it all done before i head off to hollywood again in two weeks, hope to see some of you there...
ok, well, maybe we can see you later in the evening on one of those days. or if those don't work, how about the Friday you arrive? That will most likely be your most packed day, right? If something during the week would work better, we can arrange it. I just need to know now, so my husband can request that day off at work. hehe.

whats up daddy-o?
didnt go to work today, adrenalynn and i went to the mall and after i took new pictures of her, i'll show some on here soon...
Welcome to the site. Hopefully we'll see you and Adrenalynn out again.
Howdy! Nice to see you on SG. smile Adrenalynn told me you were here so I thought I'd stop by to say hello. Also, I scanned a better drawing of my tattoo idea. Everything is pretty much how I'd like it to look(except the colors, which came out shitty because I have a very limited ammount of colored pencils, heh). I measured the area I think it will take up, and basically the center piece is like 5.5 inches high, by 5 inches wide. With two 2.5x2inch dragonflies on either side. So you can make everything all symmetrical, add detail, come up with a better color scheme and all that jazz.

click here to see drawing

Just take a look and let me know what I'm looking at as far as pricing, and if you have any ideas on things to add, or background design or anything you think of. I'm so excited! biggrin
watched adrenalynn do her fifth tattoo today, her skill as a tattooist is growing leaps and bounds everyday. she should have pictures up soon, speaking of pictures there are some on here under apathy international that i have taken, please let me know what you think. i should have some up in a few days of tattoos and piercings that i've done...Jarrod surreal