You've signed posts as "Aon".  Because SG weirdly capitalizes every letter in names, and names are in many languages, I'm often left wondering what the intent was.  Would you spell your name Aon Bheannach, then?  And does that mean anything?

@fullfeeling Thank you for your question! I sign some of my posts as "Aon", because I understand that the full word - Aonbheannach - is not so easy to remember and read, as well as it's hard to pronounce it right :) As for its origin... I guess I have mentioned that in one of my recent blogs and in the SG Names Origin thread... In brief, it is an Irish word that is translated as Unicorn ("Aon" - one, "Bheannach" - peaky, sharp and so on, if to speak about the separate word parts). So, Aon is not my initial name or name shortening, it's a shortening from my nickname which has its own long history. But my real name starts with A, too :)