I just got back from a vaca with the my Mom her boyfriend and the girl who live next door and is a friend of my moms. It had it's up and downs but hey I got to go t Vagas baby and it's a hole new world out there I have a new out look on life because of that trip it changed me...
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Happy Birthday.
I know its a little late for this but I had one hell of a 4th. Even tho I did not get laid frown Hears what all went down we watched fire works a friend of mine did some of his side show stuf then hung from felsh hooks from a tree i got to hang from his ankles which was fun he swinged around and...
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So still no replies to last add about me looking for a hot girl past the age of 21, Who is into BDSM and DS. Remember I have a car and I would be more then willing to travel. O by the way about traveling Ash dear I will be ablr to come up and see You some time in August so drop me a...
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*feels bad shes not over 21*
It seems like decades scents I have written anything. I have been busting my ass off doing shit for my so caleed girlfriend that I dont have time for myself wich really sucks. Because while I'm doing all of her work for her shes having sex with her boyfriend. She keeps me on a very tight leash. And does not put out and wont let...
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that heart s, well " heart" is actually just muched together hamburger buns dipped in the fake blood i made.
couldn't find a real heart in time
hehe i wouldnt mind wink...dont put up with that "if its with a boy it doesnt count" bullshit its not worth it...it definately still hurts like it counts doesnt it
Grrrrrrr mad Dont you just hate it when you cant find that skirt are shirt you want to wear. And You tare you house and or room apart looking for it but you still cant find it anywhere. And it's like it has just disappear of the faces of the earth mad. I need that damn skirt so bad cuz me and my girl are going...
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You're sweet! Thank you! blush
have fun at the show tonight!! you'll love it! Gen (the lead singer) is HOTT love

My favorite part is when she has a girl come on stage and sucks her big pink cock!!! I almost wet my panties!!!

kiss 's
I have been so bizy this week I have not had much time to think. So there for I really have nothing to say. But I hope all my girls have a great day. I love you all! Hugs and Kisses and lots and lots of Rainbows!!! Your Friend Panic wink biggrin tongue kiss love skull miao!!
Yes it been a while I know. But my Girl and I are now back togather love biggrin So I will not be able to up date as much as I did be for. I'm sorry for all of my friends you will be missed and for the ever body els Well..... I guess tyou can drop dead. Umm ya biggrin skull I will try and keep in touch...
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love kiss miao!! Glad to hear your happy! I hope things work out with you and your girl. I know me and mine always get down to the nitty gritty and work it out! That's one thing I love about my girl!!! Have fun, and enjoy the love!!! smile
What to say what to say. Actually I have nothing to say at all.
eeek Socker Hu??? Well Hopeful some enlightenment will come my way. Untill then peace out and have a great life!!!
I really don't have anything I wish to share right now. So here is a song for your enjoyment, I hope you like. It's by Seraphim Shock it's off there lates CD called Halloween Sex N Vegas. It's there latest Cd in like four are five years. Check them out if you like Gothic music. I am a medal head myedlf but I still think...
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check my profile for tickets........ smile
check my profile for tickets........ smile
Time for a new journal in-put. And lets hope that we can make this one a little more cheerful. Lets she what am I doing for the rest of this month.... Well, on the 18th I'm getting my hair put in dreads. And then some color extensions because it's a bitch to die your hair when its in dreads because the color never come out...
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i hope your ex got back to ya with something good!!!

wow.. sounds like youve got a really busy week ahead of you.. I wish there was like 1/2 of that shit to do around here. I hate living in the middle of nowhere.. ha.
Why does ever one take this journal writing and commenting shit so seriously.I really didn't think any one actually read any of it. It's cool and all to keep up with what your friends are posting because there your friends and you actually care what's going on with them. But why does any one care what the fuck is gowing on with all the other...
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thaks hunny bunny! i haven't checked my email yet, but thanks anyways!!! kiss
Well Hello, See I was right no one reads this journal stuff. But I feel like writing it any ways. The fetish advent was a bustedfrown but my friend and I still hade fun.:p We ended up running into some guys and when to this bar called sports and then we left there with these other guys and went to Bullwinkls wich is a gay...
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glad you had fun at the fetish ball, even if it was busted! don't be discouraged about peep's not writing in your journal. it took me a little while to make friends! wink
I think reading your journal comment made me dumber. I'm not sure yet.
Well I ran in to an old friend of mine that I when to hight school with. Boy did that bring back memories. Any who, I never realized how much I missed her. She is going threw the same thing that I'm going threw right now. We both have pushed alot of are friends away because we just need space right now and we just...
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