So I went to the Breeders' expo in Daytona Beach this weekend and got so many lovely new pets. My newest baby is a Theyari snake named Raina who is like a blood red with grey striping. She is sooooo lovely!! We also got a yearling Sand Boa to mate with out albino Sand Boa. And we got a New Mexican Pine Snake.

Damn I...
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You should post some pictures of your snakes.

I often wanted to keep snakes, but aren't they a little hard work?

smile smile smile smile smile
So I finished reading the Deathly Hallows and God Damn What a good Book. Now it is onto Darkly Dreaming Dexter. Although having seen the seaso, the books seems slightly boring, except for the lovely dry and sinister humor and excellent look into the mind of a sociopath.

So school starts in less than a month and that means that out herp show is only...
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Pool eh?

You play crazy rules over there huh? biggrin

It's funny how the same game gets changed around. Like Blackjack, it's completely different here.

smile smile smile smile smile
Hey my lovlies. Damn this week It is throwing me off. I cant stand it. So anyways, I got another snake. He is beautiful, kind of skittish but hey I'm getting used to it. This is a definate way of getting over my minor fear of snakes right?

So I just went and saw the 5th Harry Potter movie... I know I'm a loser. But...
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i really enjoyed the movie too. it was a bit rushed, but they got most of the major points in. even if it was different from the book.

you need to read the deathly hallows. what an ending!
Wow bitches!!! So what the hell has been going on? Damn so much has been going on... I got a bearded dragon named Cat and we have a Kenyan Sand boa named Bettlejuice. lol Man I never knew that trying to buy a house was so difficult. But anyways.... So man I had the best idea for a set the other day and I cant...
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hey. just noticed your comment. but i dont really use SG anymore (my membership is being cancelled when the billing period is over) so message me on myspace or AIM or whatever.
So I finished my antibiotics yesterday... YAY

So my mid-term is on monday and I missed the review because I was in the hospital....That should be fun. I have no Idea what is gonna be on it. Anyways there is really nothin else going on with me....Whats up with you guys?
Boo! How's you? smile
OK so i had to spend like 6 hours in the emergency room on monday night.... frown frown frown It fucking sucked.... So anyways.... how is everything with your guys going. It seems like forever since I last talked to anyone on here.
I am so tired....We went to our friends house last night and didnt come home until 4 AM. Damn we were there for like 8 hrs. Then I had to get up to take the boy to work.... frown
you're so sweet!

i hope you get some rest, sugar! love
that's because it HAS been forever!!

i'm still breathing, that's about it.
and you?
Man I am so bored.....
I'm bored too...wanna be bored together? smile
I'm working in a gym, teaching/tutoring on the side. Trying my hardest to stay out of debt as well. How about you?
So I have a question.....does anyone watch the show Dexter on Showtime? I just finished watching the first season and I cant wait for the next one to start, unfortunately for my I dont know when it starts again. My God I love that show!!!! So how have things been with you? This is the first time I have been online in like a week...
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Hello my loves So I finally got my new computer so I can finally get back to talking to all of you! YAY. So I cant wait to get back on here and look at all the pics of the beautiful women on the site and get back to thinking about my set....along with getting back to school. I am so excited about this semester...
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Congratulations to you. tongue

smile smile smile smile smile
I just moved closer to town. Still in damn naples though.I got a house now so you have to come check it out!! Congrats on the engagement!!! Call me sometime we need to get together!
<3 Jenni
OMG so I have an A in psychology and an A on my final paper in my other stupid class. Damn I am doing soooo fucking good this semester!!!! Sweet shit....what a way to boost my GPA! AND.... I get to start taking my major classes this semester! I actually got into Criminal Forensics next semester! I am soooooo excited! Damn things are looking good.......
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Happy Holidays!! And Happy Birthday!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Peace and pancakes.

hey I am outa a comp right now so I dont know how often I will be able to get on here. I know your so sad.... anyways I will be on as often as I can.

Catch us when you can. love ooo aaa
I'm here now! Hypocrite! tongue