Fuck, my mother-in-law's coming over for dinner. I need to cook something really impressive so that she won't think I'm quite as much of a shiftless bum as she usually does. eeek
You should watch Lydia's Italian Kitchen. She's the greatest! Very descriptive and informative. Though....it might be a local show. Anyways, good luck on that.

I hear you about the TV thing. It doesn't bother me when people say they don't watch TV because they don't have much time to or they're just not into it. I'm cool with that. I don't watch it much either for those reasons. But acting like TV is some sort of evil force and people who watch it can't possibly have an origional thought in their head is just silly.
Oh, California, how I loathe thee... let me count the ways.

Getting off the plane in San Jose was like sticking your head in a pizza oven. How can anything possibly be so hot and so dry and so bright all at once? I felt like Gollum shaking his fist at the sun as he decides to live in his cave with the little boat...
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I think the weather is fantastic, however you do have a point or 2 in there. I think the racial thing is a bit of a stretch. Many of my white/dirtbag friends have low-wage jobs and I work in high-tech crap with hundreds of hispanic people...and just about every other race. I guess it takes some getting used to.
Dude, I'm doing battle with our old friend reprobate again. If you want you can check it out at Kerry pisses off more catholics

If you read the last page you'll see my frustration. He drives me nuts because he just won't concede anything.

His latest dodge is that he has decided that the dictionary definitions of words aren't really accurate. He's decided that he has the real definitions of all the relevant words and phrases and they are fluid depending on how much he needs to prove his case.

[Edited on Jul 08, 2004 11:47PM]
Goin' to California with an achin' in my heart.

(Back Monday, and I'm sure I'll have plenty to rant about. As far as I'm concerned everything south of the 45th parallel can just drop into the ocean... and probably will after the next big earthquake.)
logans run
No no, this:

"Act like a POW. Don't give 'em anything but your name, rank, and serial number. When the doctor asks you anything else, say, "That information is strictly on a need-to-know basis." Refuse to take off your dog tags. Memorize the exits on your way in. On your way out, say "Carry on, soldier" to the receptionist."

From a few journals ago.
Bang bang bang.

Went to the outdoor shooting range today. The bad part: There were other people in the pistol area, and I'd rather have it to myself. And they had nicer guns than I did---a couple of $1000-plus custom .45 automatics. The good part: They were polite and put their guns down nicely when I wanted to go down-range and change my target. And...
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"Zombie guns" I knew I wasn't the only one that had one! biggrin G3, hollowpoints
I always shoot my revolvers with better accuracy then my semis. I think revolvers are easier and are more fun to shoot. Loading is a breeze verse bruising your thumb loading rounds into a magazine.

My female friends consistently ask to shoot the revolvers where my male friends want to shoot the semis.
Olbers' Paradox (Wilhelm Olbers, 1758-1840):

If stars are infinite in number and evenly distributed in space, the sky should be solidly bright with starlight in every direction; there should be no night or darkness on the surface of the Earth.


I wrote a very long in depth critique of Rand just for myself once. What I find funny is that no one else that I've ever seen can really critique her and I really really like her ideas.

I'm a bit past debating philosophy now, I did it for about 7 years. I'm writing philosophy at this point wink
Nex put that one pretty well. I like yoru profile pic, I dont know why, I just do.
One of my cats woke me up last night noisily chasing his own tail. I thought only dogs did that. The Apocalypse must be near.
The real fun begins if you have two cats and they are chasing each others tails.
hmmmm...thanks for writing tongue
Im sorry to report that my best friend McG posted for me on that thread but hey, Katie has a beautiful one too!
take care
I'm eating the perfect ginger cookies. Not too gingery, not too sweet, not so crunchy that they hurt my jaw muscles to chew, but just right.

Mmm mmm good. Props to the nameless inhabitant of ancient Sumeria who invented baking.
Ahh.. ginger cookies, a close cousin to the oatmeal cookies. Both go well with Sumerian ale.
Altoids now come in Ginger, but I suspect that some of their hotness is capsaicin. Is that avatar Ultima 5 on SNES?
I had to drive across town today. But "had to" isn't the right term---more like "had the pleasure of": it was a beautiful sunny day and everywhere I looked there were gorgeous women in shorts and skirts and sundresses. If only I could be 25 again. As it stands I'm just a creepy old guy. And married, too, so it's all academic anyway. But if...
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I always want to try new things when I go to those chain diner type places, but I always cave and get safe stuff. I got the chicken fingers. They kinda sucked. TGIFridays are way better. Maybe I'll be brave and try the aztec salad next time. What's in it? Is it spicy? Cuz I don't do spicy. I'm an irish girl, therefore I was brought up on very bland food and have a sensitive palette.
Trust me....wasn't my idea. tongue
I'm channeling Andy Rooney tonight.

Is the term "classic rock" any use at all? Does it describe anything? If you were given a list of songs, could you explain which were classic rock, and why the other ones weren't? What do the following three songs---heard in sequence on a "classic rock" radio station---have in common artistically, temporally, thematically, or anything-else-ally: "What Goes On" by the...
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I hear you on the classic rock thing. The same applies to "alternative" rock. Alternative to what? What does that even mean?

And to keep with your candy themes, how about white chocolate? Now, I may be completely ignorant in saying this, but what is it? Is it chocolate with food coloring? Or is it just vanilla? And why wouldn't you just call it vanilla? And if it's white and doesn't taste like chocolate, why call it white chocolate? It's not chocolate at all. Just call it something different. Like.....whitelate....or something....
The book is usually better than the movie. BUT, I think the only case in the history of films where there is an exception is in the case of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. I thought the fact that the book was told from Chief's POV was kind of stifling. The characters in the film were much better developed because it was told in the third person. I thought Chiefs little psychadelic trips went on for far too long. But we can agree to disagree. wink

eXisTenZ is my favorite of Cronenbergs as well. Have you seen Spider?
While cleaning my room last night I rediscovered the "Schizo" comic in which Ivan Brunetti describes his job. I nearly wet myself laughing.

I can't find it anywhere online, but here's something else by him that's pretty representative.
I think it's hilarious when people say I have an accent. smile
Thanx... I gotta give props to my photographer... he was awesome.
It wasn't raining today, so I crawled all around the house trying to figure out where the little ants are coming from. I hate them. Yes, I know, every creature has a purpose in the ecosystem and a unique job to do, etc. But can't they do it somewhere other than my kitchen?
Had the same problem in my bathroom. I bought the poison that they take back to their nest and it destroys the colony. Haven't seen one in a week. But I feel the same way about it that you do. I'm the "Chemical Ali" of the poor ant people. frown

check out my journal when you get the chance.
I used to be full of contempt for people who started their own businesses. It seemed obvious to me that the so-called all-American entrepreneurial spirit was just a kind of extreme pigheadedness, an immature refusal to admit any error, and a tendency instead to blindly plow ahead, entirely self-absorbed, self-righteous, and self-satisfied. These weren't character traits that I admired.

Then I realized that describes me...
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Running your own business can be a serious kick in the pants. Motivation and drive are key and a sense of timing is crucial. Three of us started a business doing gutter replacement with a regional distribution of a product called Rainhandler. By the second year we had landed some huge contracts with churches and chains of assisted living homes. End of that year I was burnt out from all the long hours and hard work. I sold of my partnership and started down the road of using money to make money.