I haven't slept in a week.

Its the dreams mostly, but thats a lie. I can cope with the dreams.

Dreams of tranvestite corporate warlords in a future that will never be. A place that stinks of hot oil and rusting metal and where everything is composed of wires and scrap. A city that rests on a giants back, slowly moving over the land. Vampire...
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*motions for new post*
Are you like (me) from a parallel universe. I have the same obsession with writing and I wish more people would read my stuff. I need to get back in the habit of doing it more often. (Whatever happened to that book I was supposed to be finishing up, and that script I was supposed to start, and those songs that are halfway finished anyway?)

This journal entry is almost exactly like a two parter I wrote about a month ago. I'm almost tempted to ask you what we did with the car keys we lost. (You being me from a parrallel universe and all.)

Does this mean that if you are at the party on the 20th and we meet each other all of existence will be negated?

[Edited on Dec 14, 2003 1:29PM]
Autumn Love

The air smells of fading warmth, of coming cold, of growing things and dry rot.
It smells like autumn.
You know the scent. That smell that reminds you of every glorious fall day you ever experienced. When the air was the perfect temperature. When the wind blew just right through the dry and thinning leaves.
When you knew that now was the only...
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unfortunately, my phone line to the crypt of Science Fiction Masters is dead, or else i'd ring the man up and ask you. beats the fuck out of me, but i understand and sympathize with the frustration.
see the hellboy trailer yet?
started my new job yesterday. i am beginning to learn that free espresso can be a very bad thing. i have now not slept since sunday night and am not feeling the slightest bit tired. my room mates want to know why my feet are constantly tapping.

is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? i just may find out.

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"too many of you have failed me and have failed yourselves."

thats really sad to hear.. for many many reasons.. and i'm not quite sure how to react.
yes, i simply won't write them if i have no interest in the topic. i do my best to shove my personal interests into what's being asked of me. blah. gonna die though.
so i was sitting in my normal spot at the bar in the local coffee joint typing away this Halloween, when this very pretty girl comes up to me and starts talking to me about what i am writing and why i write. now being the ultra-suave, charming and capable social creature that i am... i just stared at her in dumbfoundment.

look, pretty girls...
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i enjoy this line: I smile as the night catches me up.
oh, shit!
happy birthday
isn't 22 so different and wonderful?!
you're not just getting older.........
soon we can rent cars......
bliss uopn bliss
so, i have gone ahead and finished chapter ten of The Adventures of Hunter Cartwright. many references to one of my favorite authors and yet more profanity from Stacia Brennar.

i like profanity.

anyway, have a secondary interview tomorrow at a local coffee shop. jobs are good, jobs with free caffeine are better. wish me luck.

am currently reading Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe series and...
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Far from a hack. Your writing puts me in the scene, which is what every writer should aspire to do. I WILL check out the other episodes, although not tonight. Good luck.
so... late morning slightly inebriated update:

spent the first two hours of Samhain's Feast in the most acceptable manner, thats right - The Rocky Horror Picture Show... i would fuck Tim Curry in that film, yaay corsets!!

was told i would look good in a corset by a girl tonight, but then i don't even have the chest for it... who knows, perhaps "...I would've been a sexy chick." in the words of Brody.

somehow i doubt it...

happy last day of the year all... go out and do something wicked with it... and beware the shadows after dusk...
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Suicide

Its not about talent or being professional. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously an amateur or an idiot... and neither last long in this job. Its all about timing.
Timing and being really goddamn lucky.
For example, if that fat piece of shit Harvey hadnt taken that exact moment to try and pull a gun...
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I will get right on to downloading some of your recommendations. I look forward to it greatly.

See...Canada rules. biggrin
i really wish that i wouldn't mourn when people pass on. death always lingers around in my mind, the thought of it, those i've lost to it, when my time will come, ect.. i hate how death impacts me. but i do like the happy dreams that come from it.. the other ones though, i could do without. those just make me worry.

good luck on the interview tomorrow... i had mine today and a few hours later i received a call saying i got the job smile hopefully you will have the same luck as i.

[Edited on Oct 28, 2003 12:01AM]
so i went to the movies last night, by myself, after buying myself a drink at the pub next to my dorm. notice a trend?

anyway, i finally saw Kill Bill Vol. 1. the acting is over dramatic, the lines are pure pastiche, the violence is over done to the point of ridiculousness... it was fucking great. i loved awful Kung Fu movies as a...
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hello, alistair. i read your words in the depression boards today with interest. some things i agreed with, some didn't, and i'll post my statements there later. but still, i appreciated the thoughtfulness of your insights and thought i'd see what you had to say for yourself.

the pro-killer/suicide story sounds like a great premise, so i wish you luck with it. and don't be so hard on yourself - your storytelling will only get better with practice, and at 21, you needn't be in any hurry to become some big, huge artist right now. it all starts with making yourself and your friends happy. they're the first people who read you.

have not seen kill bill, yet, but will. i've made my uneasy aesthetic peace with tarantino. a person i know here in la did props for that film. he even has a katana autographed by him and uma thurman. god, he had beautiful weapons all over his apartment.

so anyway, you take care. get the words out.
motions for new journal entry wink
fuck. i fucking hate this whole petty, stupid race. i hate the fact that the only thing i have ever asked of the inbred fucking morons who surround me is to pull their glazed unblinking eyes away from their inane repetitive sitcoms and scripted "reality" shows and take six fucking seconds to take a look at the world around them and see it from a...
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To add to your thoughts on offending someone, I do agree that it does have to do with interpretation and perception and it's people's inability to grasp the content or context of what you are saying that makes them angry. They tend to be subjective and unmoving. I know several people like that. oh wait, that's most people....It annoys me. I feel misunderstood most times, so I've toned it down a bit and just focus on the petty, seemingly happy things in my life. But, by doing so I feel nothing.

I'm sorry that you're reflecting on your past love makes you so distraught. The poem is beautiful.

Happy Early Birthday. (although i know you don't feel so happy. Just know that someone is wishing you well on the day you were brought forth into this cruel world)
yeah i am one to hug people to, but i wont hug you until later. you know i feel the same you do. well partly. i dont think anyone can feel the same as someone else it just is impossible. i liked your poem, others have been better but this one was good. I am sorry that you feel so down about your ex. october is a pretty shitty month. talk to you later.
so, it took a couple of weeks, but i finally found the place where my muse resides in Columbus. i don't know what the rest of you use, but i need stimulants and human interaction to write. not personal interaction, just the witnessing of other people's lives. i find my stories in the quick caught words of overlapping conversations. as for stimulants... well, lets just...
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Thanks for the recomendation on the Gaiman books i'll check them out as soon as i have a free secound. Good luck with your new muse
Nice to see someone who writes like I do. Damn introverts and their internal worlds when I need stimulation to write! smile
well, this may have been the worst week of my life. is there anything better then having the girl you adore call you on her birthday to point out that no one cares (despite the fact that you left her a message at midnight the night before congratulating her on the day of her birth), complain about how much the new boyfriend sucks (while also...
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oh, ok. Now your situation makes sense to me. You're not stupid. You're just staying true to yourself and your beliefs. smile I wouldn't necessarily agree with staying friends with someone who treats me like crap when they want, to each his own. I'm just intolerant of BS.

I used to write. These days my mind is so full of nonsensical confusion that focus and concentration are nearly impossible so I've given up. For now anyway. enough about my issues.

I've always gravitated towards philosophy and always wonder why people think it's boring...(just thought I'd make that point because i saw that you were into theology, mythology and metaphysics..)

ok my dear , I may do a little disappearing act again but I shall return hopefully in one piece.

be well kiss

maybe you would like this website. the guy who wrote it makes his rejection sound poignant.



(my favourites: apologies, nose, memo, roots)
went out and foraged with the racoons on campus last night. after a few perfunctory sniffs and some haughty glances they just sort of accepted me. not very good conversationalists are racoons, but they are fairly calming.

i do not like October anymore. once it was my favorite of months for Samhain and autumn and the first snow fall of the year... now it just...
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Burnt offerings man. that's all I have to say re the subject. Burnt offerings.
Thanks for your comment.

You write beautifully.
so, still arguing with myself over the necessity and language of the seventh installment of The Adventures of Hunter Cartwright. i'll figure it out eventually and post it here for all you readers of the bizarre.... and if you haven't read anything of the Adventures of Hunter Cartwright please see my past journal entries to witness the madness your life has been lacking.

in the...
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Post a pic, ya coward!! tongue
Damn, Alistair. . . .you take yourself pretty seriously, don't you??