I got my paper back from my history teacher. It would have been an A, if i'd put in footnotes. But I didn't, so i got a C+. So, apparently i have some writing skill; or my history teacher has low expectations. This will help with my near-phobic aversion to writing. I've begun a geeky little craft project. I'm going to create a Green Lantern...
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For my history class i wrote the most godawful piece of shit i've ever written in my entire life. i'm trying to get orders to this navy engineering school in NY for this two weeks in the summer navy reserve thing. anyway work sucks and school sucks too.
aw im sorry work and school is sucking
but be proud you have both
im unemployed and school-less and im 25 frown
but thanks for the comment on my video ox
Well, looks like i get to find out how long i can go without sleep before blacking out this weekend. Drill weekend at the reserve center, followed by working a concert and a hockey game. So far, my record is about 55 hours. I think i can push 72 hours, maybe.

And the tally is in....and it's 71 hours non-stop! (add applause, cheering) Thank You,...
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Hi. Did I already say hi to you before? shrug ARRR!!!
I've noticed lately that i don't enjoy things as fully as i once did. Music, games, movies, books, television. I just don't get as "fired up" as i used to. maybe its a part of getting older, maybe there is something wrong with me.
being on cruise is not as fun or appealing as it might seem. work all day, then go on watch. dealing with the same jerks day after day. drills, training. little or no sleep. But, when you pull into a foreign port....Fuckin Party!!!! I really do love to do the tourist thing, apparently. Been to Singapore and Hawaii, i know hawaii is still in the...
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More than half-way through mess cranking. Damn, i hate this job. Oh, and while my ship was out on the ocean doing excercises, I MISSED COMIC CON!!!!!! And i just so happen to live IN San Diego, about 10 minutes drive from the convention center. such joy is serving in the US Navy. But gladly, my contract expires in little over 8 months and i...
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Its been WAY too long since i last posted. Writer's block sucks. Underway, getting yelled at daily, going out and partying. wish i had more money tongue . saw Sentinel yesterday, decent flick, but if i were you i'd wait for it to hit blockbuster or hollywood video.
Duty days on my ship really, really suck >_<

Since im the FNG (Fucking New Guy) the guys in the diesel shop - my coworkers, yay tongue - love poking fun at me. today they've been bugging me to hook them up with my cousins back home.

Since i got here a few weeks ago i don't really know what there is in san diego to...
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