hello .. if you liked my set " blue" I want you to know that my new set " them nymphes des forets " is now available , I hope you like it thank you very much for the love and support. <3 <3 <3https://WWW.SUICIDEGIRLS.COM/GIRLS/TERRORLYDIA/ALBUM/1796008/LES-NYMPHES-DES-FORETS/


Hello all!

I just figured it might well be time to finally post something again, instead of lurking and looking at your naked photographs. Cue perfect segway into the topic of this blog-- photographs! I took a bunch of them as I went on my trip to the Berner Oberland this morning. They're pretty sweet.

I was up in time to catch a beautiful sunrise...
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Gorgeous view.
Wow, beautiful! 

A lot of people like to blow smoke about the above topic. I'm just no longer sure how much of it is hot air any more. The article below describes a resolution by the United States Congress to introduce legislation that will provide legitimacy to initiating an armed conflict with Russia.


Pending a vote by the Senate, Resolution 758 would give the President a...
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I really hope not, i think the last thing we need is a Cold War number 2!  Plus I have no doubts if we irritated Putin enough something horrible would happen. The U.S. needs to stop thinking we are a Superman nation and involving ourselves in everyone's affairs. That's my two cents.