Basics for a Comic/Story i'm working on with some great friends

Quick Overview of
CRIMSON TEARS - cool name huh?

The world is pretty much today except make it a little more batmanish goth. Add in spirits, werewolves (look more human than wolf) and Vampires along with evil demons and crap like that.

TROI: Tactical Recon Operations and Intervention

An underground agency used for...
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mad GAH!!! it's official i hate virtually everyone!!!! puke there they make we wanna puke. I never thought that you could be surrounded by so many different types of people and feel so isolated and angry at them that You wanted to hurt them ALL, and REALLY HURT THEM! like shoot out their knee caps or elbows or joints of some sort so even after they heal...
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Don't hate EVERYONE.. I'm a nice girl tongue
hehehhe didnt mean for the lil drawing to freak you out. besides, if THAT scares you, you would NOT want to meet me! ahaha
1.You have $10 and need to buy snacks at a gas station; what do you buy?:
Gatorade and big bag o' cheetos

2. If you had to be reincarnated as some sort of sea dwelling creature, what would you be?:
A giant Sea Monkey

3. Who's your favorite redhead?:
...Red heads...dangerous..

4. What do you order when you're at a pancake house?:
Meat...anything with Meat.....
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this is fuckin hysterical!!!!!!!!!
today has been an interesting day, and my weekend will suck, i got a 24 hr duty on saturday and sunday, so that little to no sleep and no weekend. But honestly, for the experiences i've had so far i would pay that and more gladly.
Experiences are the only things that makes living worth it, weather painful are pleasurable i will take it. I'm...
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well outragoues is the only way to party lol.......ROCK OUT!!!!
ARRRGGGH!!! pulled my groind today...it hurt..it still hurts...feels like i jerked both my nuts into the left sack.
Here is a monkey ooo aaa
Drawing and writing, alot of people think of it as just making a picture, something to entertain the eye and impress other people. I think of it as playing God.

When I draw or right, i'm not talking about drawing things i see or using references. I mean draw characters and settings, making stories. I make them alive, i give them personality and history, a...
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wow. I never saw it as that but i guess you may be right.........
The world i create always has some from of tragedy yet underneath lies a glitter of hope.I beleve in hope, it helps the days go bye.

Have a great weekend