I had an interview today and I have one tomorrow. It's nice to be wanted again even if it is in corporate America. Both are research positions which are rather blah but the one tomorrow could pay significantly more because it is a consulting gig. It is doing basically the same boring shit I've done for the last four years and so desperately don't want...
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Blah. It's warm and thank gods for that but dammit it has been overcast or rainy all day. Not really much to say other than that I am tired of the rain. I can't believe I'm going to say it but SNOW already. I just want the variety. I'm tired of dull gray days with rain clouds covering up the pretty sun.

I NEED to...
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Hi. Can we maybe get to know one another a little bit better before we become friends? Thanks.
Here, you can have OUR snow. *Fedexes it*
I know a couple people who would sit down and let you point cameras at them... *shuffles feet*