I'm happy.

For the first time in a long time.

And nothing good even happened to me.

Work is going down the shitter slowly. AT&T will be taking over soon PRO: I get a retention bonus CON: AT&T sucks corprate balls.
The love of my life is finally happy because he is dating the love of his life. I'm happy for them I am. But...
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I dyed my hair. It turned out horrible. That's what I get for taking Kenny and Doug with me to pick out the color. They picked out the hottest girls on the boxes. No help to me what so ever! But.. it was so bad I went first thing in the morning to have it fixed. It took 3hrs. Insane. This is the first time...
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I'm so annoyed right now. In at work on my kick ass phone which is a sweet thing. But i cant freaking stand feeling like this. I wish he would just tell me why all me a sudden he hates me. I don't think i did anything but support the crap out of him. I'm sick of being taken for granted. And it happens all...
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I'm so annoyed right now. In at work on my kick ass phone which is a sweet thing. But i cant freaking stand feeling like this. I wish he would just tell me why all me a sudden he hates me. I don't think i did anything but support the dual out me him. I'm pick of being taken for granted. And it happens all...
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Fuck it all..

This bothers me BECAUSE it bothers me so bad. Why the fuck did I let this guy, who I KNOW is a freaking tramp, even start talking to me. Why did I msg back? Why did I call him back? I just keep thinking that if I wouldn't have done somehthing then nothing would have happened. And I wouldn't be feeling like...
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i pay attention to you now that I found out I am up in your neck of the woods for business.

Oh yeah, you like hockey also. Didn't I tell you that is a major turn on?

hey, keep your head up and don't let him bother ya. Is he worth the stress?
I'm so uber excited about the Pens in the playoffs. I've even more uber excited that I HAVE FUCKING PLAY OFF TICKETS!!! Oh yea.. I'll be paying on them for awhile but I dont even friggin care! I was at the last game of the season that was amazing! And now I get to see them again! WOO!! I can't wait to feel the energy...
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my friend and the love of my lifelove got 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his chest back and arms tonight. blackeyed

when i asked him if there was anything i could get him, his response was..

"asian twins."

i think he's gonna be just fine. me, not so much.
frown Sorry to hear about your boy getting burned..what happened to him?
he was lighting leaves on fire and tried to pour gas on them.. it kinda blew up in his face.. he's fine though. bandages on his arm. Road rash on his back cause the fucker didnt have shirt on when he went flying into the road to put himself out. (he was in the ditch...)
my birthday is soon.

i just got over what i think is food poisoning... everyone else just thinks it was the flu.

this guy i kinda dig gave me his phone number over the internet lastnight

not sure if i want to call him or not... it might lead to something that i can't handle at this point in time

i'm just happy being me...
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guess who is going to the goddamn penguins game tomorrow!!! my mom, of all fucking people, knows a guy with season tickets and he can't go tomorrow!! i'm fucking pumped!! thats all for tonight punks and dolls... the sleepy time she comes (master of disguise anyone? ah yes, the sweetness.... )

i'm bloggin from my bed right now... teehee.. i'm still new with this whole laptop thing! gimmeabreak!!

so anyways, i spent so much money in gas this past week! not only drivin to and from work.. but i went to visit the coz and her new bambino in akron as well.. Violet Catherine.. she's so tiny. only like 6lbs or so. i felt like i...
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I can't wait to see what the new arena for the Pens will look like.

I've been a fan of theirs since I was a kid, and it's been rough being a Penguins fan in New York. wink I finally went to a couple of games out in Pittsburgh last month (the game against Montreal on February 1st, one of their many many shootout wins; and the game against Washington on February 3rd, a 2-0 shutout), I went by myself for a number of reasons but I had such a great time at the games. I can't tell you how long I've wanted to be surrounded by Pens fans instead of being stuck with shitty Rangers or Islanders fans.

I'm envious of your meeting Malone and Malkin! That's so awesome. Definitely post pictures if you've got them, I'd love to see them. Are you on a Mac or PC? If you're on a Mac, I'd suggest getting EasyCrop to edit pictures, it's what I use.

Speaking of pictures, if you care to look at these, here are the ones I took while in Pittsburgh.

Also, welcome to the site. smile
Haha Kingdom of Heaven had one of the best lines in movie history "I once fought for three days with an arrow through my testicles."

Yeah I loved Troy as well, 300 just got the adrenaline going a bit more though I think. I must say I was disappointed in both the way Achilles and Leonidas died at the end of each though. I mean a few arrows? Come on now....