going in for another session on the tattoo, hopefully to finish it up this time. i'll write more when i get back and post pics of the newer version. wish me luck!
Question, you gonna color it in or is it all black line? The close up looks really great. Hard to tell what is going on in the other picture.
Recognized the picture in the close up but in the other picture it becomes unrecognizable. You gotta post a pic when it is done and all colored in, and get good shots if you can. wink

Have a good one.
i'm cherishing this first smoke of the day....for some reason i'm totally lacking motivation to go out and enjoy a really nice day....could be the hangover tho. at least i didnt get called into work.

Right now tho, Nick Drake, a pack of smokes, and a freezie pop sounds like the perfect afternoon. now if only i had a porch to sit on, my day...
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mmmmmm freezy pops
aww smile thanks blush you're too nice
This weekend was EXACTLY what I needed after a long week of work and moody friends. Yesterday consisted of me being up at 1pm, going to a friends house to try and help her get her piercing balls in, a trip to the blue lotus when that didnt work, back to her place to eat twizzlers and drink guiness w/ a bunch of ppl until...
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Dont drink if your getting a Tattoo done, it thins your blood and the ink doesnt take as well because it bleeds out eeek

Thankyou for your comment, and good luck with your tattoo. wink
love that perfect frown, honest eyes, i oughtta buy you a cadillac.
Well, another week of work down. Almost didnt make it tho. Falling asleep while making thousand dollar IV bags which could kill me if I jabbed myself with a needle....not a good combination. (preempting the curious, i work at a hospital pharmacy). Thank god for the weekends, lets just hope that tomorrow I wont be as burned out as I am tonite. I need to...
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the thunder last night proved to be less than spectacular. i was let down.
Well, tonight turned out to be a real bust. Was really looking forward to a night out with the friends, but almost all of them bailed. The only one up for anything was just interested in finishing off a keg she had for a grad party, but warm, flat beer didnt sound too appealing. To top it off, my best friend's boyfriend is pissed off...
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hey! i like the pixies! i just saw them at Coachella. they're playing in milwaukee in November, i think. i like neutral milk hotel and find myself singing "two headed boy" at random times. i can squelch like the singer too. beulah i've heard too. my first real concert was the violent femmes in steven's point. and i like the white stripes too. you RULE!

us aquarians gotta stick together you know?!!

hopefully you find some cool places to road trip to. i went to california (Coachella) the beginning of May, so i'm strapped for cash right now. but it was worth it. i did manage to get out to joshua tree national park too! check out my pictures.

there should be enough festivals to keep me busy for the summer. it's a matter of getting out there and doing things though, instead of wimping out and heading down to the bars to have a cold one in the air-conditioning

i know where that fire escape is tooooo! maybe i saw you smoking there. now i stalk you..har harhahahar j/k.

it's a boring day, sorry for the random rambles.