I put this in a thread in Silliness, but I'll post it here for the record, too.
AMERICA, you arthritic, senile old bitch, I love you.
I love jazz and naked women.
I love beefsteaks and single-malt scotch and the whole First World living standard.
I love the Moonshot and the Sexual Revolution.
I love the New Deal, the Great Society, and Brown v. the Board of Education.
I love New York.
I love California and Minnesota. I even love Texas - but only for its women.
I love hardboiled detective fiction and dumbfuck action movies.
I love Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, W.E.B. DuBois, Franklin Roosevelt, Studs Terkel, Lewis Lapham, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Hunter S. Thompson.
I love Victoria Woodhull, Emma Goldman, Dorothy Parker, Wendy O. Williams, and Bitch_PhD.
I love V-E Day, V-J Day, and the Nuremburg Trials. I love the United Nations.
I love tattoos, piercings, and weird-colored hair. I love my Hammer & Sickle t-shirt. I love diversity. I love affirmative action. And I love tolerance.
Most importantly, I love freedom of speech.
I love dissent.
I don't believe in God. I don't consider myself a patriot - not the flag-waving kind, anyway. I don't believe my country is always right, and I don't believe that its greatness is either innate or inalienable.
But I believe in its promise.
Happy Birthday, America.
AMERICA, you arthritic, senile old bitch, I love you.
I love jazz and naked women.
I love beefsteaks and single-malt scotch and the whole First World living standard.
I love the Moonshot and the Sexual Revolution.
I love the New Deal, the Great Society, and Brown v. the Board of Education.
I love New York.
I love California and Minnesota. I even love Texas - but only for its women.
I love hardboiled detective fiction and dumbfuck action movies.
I love Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, W.E.B. DuBois, Franklin Roosevelt, Studs Terkel, Lewis Lapham, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Hunter S. Thompson.
I love Victoria Woodhull, Emma Goldman, Dorothy Parker, Wendy O. Williams, and Bitch_PhD.
I love V-E Day, V-J Day, and the Nuremburg Trials. I love the United Nations.
I love tattoos, piercings, and weird-colored hair. I love my Hammer & Sickle t-shirt. I love diversity. I love affirmative action. And I love tolerance.
Most importantly, I love freedom of speech.
I love dissent.
I don't believe in God. I don't consider myself a patriot - not the flag-waving kind, anyway. I don't believe my country is always right, and I don't believe that its greatness is either innate or inalienable.
But I believe in its promise.
Happy Birthday, America.
Happy celestial-derived ceremony. Hope you have an awesome day.
Happy birthday...I appreciate your posts.