I'm snowed in once again and stuck in my house because of this god-forsaken snow storm. but to try and make a short announcement I'm not going to be on S.G. chat throughout the rest of February.
I'm performing a social experiment on myself in hopes I will be alittle happier and less stressed at my job and help further adjust to my surroundings. I feel that since I joined S.G. my results in joining have become "bittersweet" I've met good people and I seem to have less drama in the forum's and groups than I do in the chatrooms in which sometimes I can be the frequent subject of Ridicule.
In a chatroom sometimes when somebody I know from my friendlist isn't on when I'm on chat (it doesnt matter who.) I'm even more scared and in suspense when I choose to dock somebody without the fear of them blindly blocking me. because while the anonymity of the Internet can be a good thing It also has the major flaw of twisting the mentality of an individual when your rallying people into slandering, trash talking and blocking a person anonomysly because It makes them feel sort of god-like when they do it.
Its cowardly and at the most part but psychologically damaging, The Internet back then was supposed to bring people together, democritize us and become the "Ultimate Resource Tool" yet we're reduced to Internet cartoons and 24 hour pornsites. I'm guilty of a few of these things but at least I voice my opinions and I don't let things on the Internet dumb me down and take over my life.
Another thing that sometimes bothers me is the frequent abbreviations in chat that can be almost equal to cavemen grunts. I doubt any of you really use words like "lol", "Lmafo", or "Smile=Emoticon" offline when a person is vocally speaking to you face to face.
Hopefully some of you will respect and support my decision and by March I'll hopefully be on and this whole thing will blow over. For those who wish to add me read my main page first and send me a message before doing so.
Thank you.
I'm performing a social experiment on myself in hopes I will be alittle happier and less stressed at my job and help further adjust to my surroundings. I feel that since I joined S.G. my results in joining have become "bittersweet" I've met good people and I seem to have less drama in the forum's and groups than I do in the chatrooms in which sometimes I can be the frequent subject of Ridicule.
In a chatroom sometimes when somebody I know from my friendlist isn't on when I'm on chat (it doesnt matter who.) I'm even more scared and in suspense when I choose to dock somebody without the fear of them blindly blocking me. because while the anonymity of the Internet can be a good thing It also has the major flaw of twisting the mentality of an individual when your rallying people into slandering, trash talking and blocking a person anonomysly because It makes them feel sort of god-like when they do it.
Its cowardly and at the most part but psychologically damaging, The Internet back then was supposed to bring people together, democritize us and become the "Ultimate Resource Tool" yet we're reduced to Internet cartoons and 24 hour pornsites. I'm guilty of a few of these things but at least I voice my opinions and I don't let things on the Internet dumb me down and take over my life.
Another thing that sometimes bothers me is the frequent abbreviations in chat that can be almost equal to cavemen grunts. I doubt any of you really use words like "lol", "Lmafo", or "Smile=Emoticon" offline when a person is vocally speaking to you face to face.
Hopefully some of you will respect and support my decision and by March I'll hopefully be on and this whole thing will blow over. For those who wish to add me read my main page first and send me a message before doing so.
Thank you.

i totally say "lol" in real life. (:

that hardly makes me creepy! haha.