Eversince I Joined the site Suicidegirls.com I did it for the cool full-on experience i've been hearing so much about But be warned never go to their chatrooms, they mercilessly attack "noobs" I should know because they fed me to the wolves.

I for some reason keep being put into situations in S.G. chat where people just want to block me without explaination and they expect me not to react to it? there's even people in s.g. chat who will straight out block you for the lack of color or style in your text in which they dub "noob text" wtf?
I believe that words should define a person. Words are supposed to determine how sophiscated, ignorant or Intelligent we are and instead it's colors and styles of text that segregate us. we should learn to treat one another in this room with equality, respect and dignity regardless of color and text style, not be scrutinized and stepped on for lack of text style and let who we are be judged.
Ironically enough the reason I had to change my text to bold and italic is just so someone can tolerate talking to me which is stupid but it comes with the Territory in S.G. chat.
Do any of you have problems like this?

I for some reason keep being put into situations in S.G. chat where people just want to block me without explaination and they expect me not to react to it? there's even people in s.g. chat who will straight out block you for the lack of color or style in your text in which they dub "noob text" wtf?
I believe that words should define a person. Words are supposed to determine how sophiscated, ignorant or Intelligent we are and instead it's colors and styles of text that segregate us. we should learn to treat one another in this room with equality, respect and dignity regardless of color and text style, not be scrutinized and stepped on for lack of text style and let who we are be judged.
Ironically enough the reason I had to change my text to bold and italic is just so someone can tolerate talking to me which is stupid but it comes with the Territory in S.G. chat.
Do any of you have problems like this?
chat is what it is... its 50 million thoughts at once. but you have to e=ralize many of the ppl know each other well and are gaurded. like any ope social group you have to actually get to know them... if people think cht is a fun easy welcome everyone crowd its stupid ad would make it no less then yahooo chat.