I love the fact that everybody is so concerned with there ON-LINE life that they shun those that may have been close to them in real life...
I am done with SG... I even brought a member to the site... big deal... ONE member you say? Well guess what... it was someone who shared an interest in the site with me... i no longer have...
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I am done with SG... I even brought a member to the site... big deal... ONE member you say? Well guess what... it was someone who shared an interest in the site with me... i no longer have...
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i feel you alan, my account expires soon and i wont be renewing it, maybe ill run into you buddy? one of your shows or somthing. later alan, dont fyuck things up myan.
I had this crazy dream that you were going to stop wanting to be called Al, but Alan rather... no, really, I did.
Mark you calendars kids! Soviet Radio will be playing Nocturnal (1800 E Burnside) on Saturday, July 19th!
Come watch me make a fool out of myself on stage!

Come watch me make a fool out of myself on stage!

if youre around i need to talk to someone.

oh sweet i'll be at your show... just let me get my shoes...
Despite of all the good news about playing out with Soviet Radio... I still feel, well, Bleh...
I had a bit of a talk with a friend tonight... realised that I shouldn't be so hard on those that seem to cross me... there may be many factors involved... most of which i may be none the wiser to... then again, people may just be plain...
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I had a bit of a talk with a friend tonight... realised that I shouldn't be so hard on those that seem to cross me... there may be many factors involved... most of which i may be none the wiser to... then again, people may just be plain...
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a weekend w/out stewd is a weekend less-grand.
you are the bestest! thank you darling!

you are the bestest! thank you darling!

I don't know what is what, where it is, or how to go about doing it...
Today started pretty damn good... but after a few sodas at the bar, everthing started to change... my chipper mood just kind of drained leaving a void of poopiness...
Oh, and why do people make a big deal about stupid shit?
I think I want to move to...
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I don't know what is what, where it is, or how to go about doing it...
Today started pretty damn good... but after a few sodas at the bar, everthing started to change... my chipper mood just kind of drained leaving a void of poopiness...
Oh, and why do people make a big deal about stupid shit?
I think I want to move to...
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NYC IT IS! i also loved that about the city. except when id walk to the train after work on sundays. sundays depressed me. the city that doesnt sleep sleeps all fucking day on sunday!
I myself have been thinking of moving to NYC. It's time for me to go back to school, and being at a crossroad in my life with my job/housing/relationship, pretty much all of my responsibilities, NYC just seems like the next logical step. I fear the cold of the winter though...the last time I was there I almost cried it was so cold...then I wondered if my tears would freeze, but I figured no because of the salt...uummm, yeah, nevermind...
Swooney over Al and her new set...
As much as I love alot of the new girls, it's still really rad to see something new come from someone who's stuck around for awhile. Girls have come and gone. I'm just glad that all of my O.G.'s have stuck around!
K, now that's out of the way... Lastnight was fun, despite some people pulling the highschool...
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K, now that's out of the way... Lastnight was fun, despite some people pulling the highschool...
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i don't want to know.
i don't want to know.
Who was shelling out the nasty looks? i nominate me to be your personal bodyguard ... the defender of all that which is stewd! Trust me, my glares can make their blood run cold. muhahaha.
I've gpt the infamous Simon in my lap right now. He is by far the coolest cat in the world... He just did one of those really cute kittie stretches
I have had a recent resurgence of my obsession with boobies... Went to Union Jacks for the first time last night... Pretty nice place... One of the dancers pissed me off tho... made us want...
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I have had a recent resurgence of my obsession with boobies... Went to Union Jacks for the first time last night... Pretty nice place... One of the dancers pissed me off tho... made us want...
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i added your fire blowing emo loving ass to my friends list al. SO THERE!
We'll be expecting rock star stories when you get back. 

I'll be going on tour with Soviet Radio Starting in PDX on July 17th!!! You all better come out and see us! I'll be posting all of the venues once they are confirmed!
7/19 Portland, OR
7/20 Eugene, OR
7/21 Medford, OR
7/22 Chico, CA
7/23 Sacramento, CA
7/24 Santa Rosa, CA
7/25 San Fran, CA
Go check out Soviet Radio at mp3.com!...
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I'll be going on tour with Soviet Radio Starting in PDX on July 17th!!! You all better come out and see us! I'll be posting all of the venues once they are confirmed!
7/19 Portland, OR
7/20 Eugene, OR
7/21 Medford, OR
7/22 Chico, CA
7/23 Sacramento, CA
7/24 Santa Rosa, CA
7/25 San Fran, CA
Go check out Soviet Radio at mp3.com!...
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I live really close to he Maxx station. I think you should come over for some drinks sometime. I always keep a fifth of something good in my freezer.
...ps...you were SO making eyes at me too!!! hee hee!
...ps...you were SO making eyes at me too!!! hee hee!

rad... what do you do with them?
After a bit of confusion I got to watch a pretty decent baseball game lastnight at PGE Park. I like that park... I think I miht just go back there for a few more games...
You're probably thinking, "Why is this guy talking about semi-pro baseball on a porn site???"
Oh well... I gots nothing better to say to you fuckers!

You're probably thinking, "Why is this guy talking about semi-pro baseball on a porn site???"
Oh well... I gots nothing better to say to you fuckers!

have a great weekend. *hugs*

have a great weekend. *hugs*
Baseball gets me hot.
And unicorns. Um...yeah...baseball and unicorns get me all hot.
And unicorns. Um...yeah...baseball and unicorns get me all hot.
The bartender at Ember's thought I was so cute that I desreved free drinks all night!
Maybe it was because I was holding Nala's purse for her while she was dancing in the cage...
Anais, read no further... for it is a
story... hehehe
The bartender gave me a *huge* shot of whiskey and after the 3rd gulp to get it down, I felt the...
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Maybe it was because I was holding Nala's purse for her while she was dancing in the cage...

Anais, read no further... for it is a

The bartender gave me a *huge* shot of whiskey and after the 3rd gulp to get it down, I felt the...
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Ha! See, it all worked out. 

hey hey kid. I saw you today standing at the Maxx station by Pertersons going towards Hillsboro. We made eye contact....I was wearing a black dress...does this ring a bell?
*Gratuitous Lyric Post* (All be it, a short one)
And when silence comes back to me
I find myself feeling lonely
Standing here on the shores of destiny
I find myself feeling so lonely

And when silence comes back to me
I find myself feeling lonely
Standing here on the shores of destiny
I find myself feeling so lonely

that has got to be like the shortest song ever.
"Dude! You killed Bill! You dick!"
"Dude! You killed Bill! You dick!"
i can't even stay mad at you...call me in the morning so you know when to get on the train fucker...i'll get the ticket first thing.

I am now the proud owner of an original NES. It came with two guns, two controllers, Ninja Gaiden ( I, II, & III ), Metroid, Mega Man, X-Men, Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, Mario 3... and it was ALL FREE!!!

I've been listening to Wolfsheim alot lately...
I need to numb my brain...

I've been listening to Wolfsheim alot lately...
I need to numb my brain...

that's awesome! that is the only game system i have.
i hope you have a wonderful day. *hugs*

i hope you have a wonderful day. *hugs*
Do you have the gun for duck hunt? I challenge you to a match and once I win you must submit.
So, here's the thing...
Still looking for a place to stay, need to find one by the end of the month. I just want to find someone who is looking for a short term roommate. I want to get my own place, a small studio in NW. Someplace small that I can lock myself in and sit on the computer all day writing music.
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Still looking for a place to stay, need to find one by the end of the month. I just want to find someone who is looking for a short term roommate. I want to get my own place, a small studio in NW. Someplace small that I can lock myself in and sit on the computer all day writing music.
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Pooh head
i miss you fucker!
damn it....
are you still gonna come camping on the 4th of july with me??
*muah muah muah*
damn it....
are you still gonna come camping on the 4th of july with me??
*muah muah muah*