Heeey! Im feeling better. Not 100% but better.
Im glad I stayed home from work today . . .again. I almost went. Was dressed and everything. I think I always go back too soon when Ive been sick though. I gotta fever . . .

and the only cure . . . . is more cowbell.

heh. Ive had a fever off and on all...
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I need a beer, ha.

you should move to Raleigh, everything's cheaper here, and you already have a friend!! smile
You have a fever...and the only prescription...is MORE COWBELL!

I know exactly what you mean, I am in the same situation in Chicago. It sickens me, the idea of wasting money on rent when I would much rather invest it in a condo or a house. It's the down payment that is the killer. frown
ugh. I stayed home from work today. I can barely speak. I feel like someone ripped my voicebox out and left behind scrapes inside my throat. LOVELY!

My neighbors are playing Black Eyed Peas AGAIN! They do that "lets get retarded" song right? LOL Its "get started" isnt it? I dont fucking know. Im just about fucking sick of that beat though.
hmmm. What to...
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thanks for your travel inspirations. ;-) you may also go better out on the fresh air and have a rest... kiss rocketx
Fluids, Vita-C, Zinc, Advil + Rest = no more puke ARRR!!!
Feeling better then I did earlier. Woke up about 8am with a sore throat and sinus headache. FUN!
Took some drugs and feel asleep on the couch till about one.
Prescription cough medicine makes me dizzy. I felt like I might fall over when I took a shower earlier. That would have been a bad scene. It was making me soo dizzy I was actually...
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Love to go to that. Closest thing to "Botanical Gardens" we have here in San Antonio is the Japanese Gardens, which consists of two, yes, two bonsai trees and a dying bamboo tree being taken care of by a 92 year old korean woman going senile. confused
Boxers and Briefs, actually...

"If you could meet any of your friends on this site who would you want to meet?"

Well, honestly, I would like to meet you! You and Vanessa, Sophie, Morgan, Gadget, Kelland, Denver, Maxi, Lexie, Cupidsvictim, Susie,and Emmy. I would really like to meet everyone on my list, at least once. biggrin

Im cold and I think getting sick. My throat's scratchy and Im coughing and just uncomfortable dammit!!!!

I think Im gonna lay around all day.
Anyone wanna buy me a Nikon D70?


Alright it doesn't have to be that particular model I suppose.
Something equivilant?

hmmmm. V . . I . . S . . A


I wish money wouldnt stand in the way of me doing something.
Damn my perfectionist nature and expensive taste!


Seriously though, its on my Amazon wishlist if anyone wants to help me...
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I've got one of those. It's nice. I was just shooting the snowy streets at night with it. I like it lots, but eventually I'll opt for a bigger badder camera.
I'm glad you made it to central park, with the snow and all. Say, I need a camera too. How about We go 1/2 & 1/2 and share, every other month? biggrin Might help with our ADD. yea....Beer. tongue
What the fuck man!
Im bored. Im sick of my job already that I just got in October. Im looking for something else. Im so fucking anxious.
Im in search of a perfect job or artform . . . . something. Im just bored with life. Is that bad?

I get antsy every six months to do something completely different for a change. I dont...
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stop thinking so much your'e hurting my brain wink
You should get out again on dem der slopes. A bunch of snow is heading to the Poconos this week. Take a day trip...it'll be worth it, trust me. smile
Your right, that's exactly why I don't wanna take option one n work with the backing tracks.
The plot thickens on my living situation.
dun dun dun. Too many variables.
Making me crazy.
Did my taxes last night. . . . . Yea!
Not so much. Not getting nearly as much back as I got last year.frown

Who's going to the Murphy's Law, Supersuckers, Rev. show?!!!
I gotta get tickets. Im so nervous its going to sell out soon even though the...
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Sweet! A female singer, nice! I hope she isn't a bitch too, for your sake!

I want to hear some of your music! biggrin

Like I said before, you can always work for me as my personal assistant. The pay sucks, but we'd have a ton of fun! wink

I hope things get better for ya! Eat something already! kiss kiss kiss
Ive spent the majority of my weekend opening drawers and closets to see what lurks behind. The trunk of my car is filling up with stuff for the Salvation Army. I love the feeling of getting rid of shit. I feel like I could get rid of more. My trunk looks like I did some major shopping. Everything is stuffed in shopping bags. Im not...
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I go through cleansing phases once in a while too.
A tattooist with an English accent (here) told me that I look like some actor he couldn't name. I've been told I look like the dude from the old TV show Kung Fu, among other people. But I've never heard the one you mentioned. I woke up to around 4 inches of snow on my car. Fortunately, I was not running late. I like your pics too. Thanks for sharing. wink

EDIT: Digital Hasselblad on eBay

[Edited on Feb 22, 2005 2:28AM]
Thanx for the Bday wish,it was a great weekend. Face to Face great?( oh that kills me) They were great live.RIP I hear You on the getting rid of shit. And the uncommon ability to be an individual can be lonely. surreal sorry it's late. Have a good week.
Man I have not done shit so far this weekend. I actually woke up this morning and thought it was Saturday not Sunday. I did such a good job at wasting my Saturday I forgot that it already happend. Kinda mad at myself that I didnt do shit.
Today. I should do laundry. I really want to go out. I need to.
I dont have...
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i can email you some information if you would like to go outside of the south orange area, let me know
Well I live in Union County which is in fair distance to Parsippany, A few towns you may wish to drive through are Westfield, Springfield, Summit, and Cranford.. Everyone but Springfield has a quaint center of town that you would love, each but Springfield has a train station and also all of them have parks.. do not discount Springfield due to its lack of the afformentioned, for its a wonderful and clean town that is very saught after. I had lived in Springfield once myself, and its darling really. Clark and Garwood are equally sufficient towns. Union County is very convinient, all major parkways, highways and thoroughfares for your fiance to get to Parsippany are located within. Stay away from Union, Elizabeth, Roselle, Plainfield, Rahway ect...

Why wouldnt I be willing to help? And ofcourse I am serious.. in fact I know of several wonderful rental communities in each town that I recomennded that I can offer you thier phone numbers.

yea! sun just came out again.

Im not working today. I took the day off to apartment hunt. Drove around some neighborhoods earlier. Gained some knowledge. Couldnt get ahold of anyone I called though. So I just emailed everyone I could. Hopefully I'll here back from someone soon. Im looking at everything. Some shady places, some places I probably have no business calling because my...
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I'm working on an excel sheet right now tongue biggrin

I think I may have to steal your idea... exept that, i don't have trouble remember work things... only things in my personal life... dangit. I guess it still applies
where in NJ are you looking, there are a lot of places near train stations that I can think of.. so gimme a clue.. how far from work ect... rental price ect...

[Edited on Feb 19, 2005 9:02PM]
Im sad a friend is leaving the site. ARRR!!!
My only girl friend. I comment on girls journals but they never comment back. ? I dont know. Fuck it!

I made banana bread earlier this afternoon. mmmm. Whole place was smellin' of banana nut!!! Sometimes its ok to let your nanas' rot. biggrin

So I got sized for a mountain bike yesterday. Im kinda excited to get...
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I just worked the door. People know me there so they aren't going to give me any problems. And if they do, I got plenty of people who have my back. I've never bartended before and I don't know if I'm up to working long hours into the morning here in nola. I enjoy sleep too much. But who knows...maybe if I try it.......naaaaaah. wink

By the way, I never got a chance to see pictures of you. You're pretty damn beautiful. smile

[Edited on Feb 14, 2005 6:12PM]
i think you should get your tattoo on your hip or on the side of your torso...those are uber sexy spots for tattoos.

yay for your bike. i have a bmx bike that doesnt get any attention. i guess i will have to start riding when the weather warms up a bit.
i know how you feel about skating. i used to when i was a youngen, but i dont think my old bones can take it anymore. smile