Well im back....
I am always truly amazed at how badly the wires in my brain are. I mean how did i get to the point where flesh searing pain is the only this that keeps me sane?
how did burns and blisters get to be the only thing that can make me feel like i am actually alive?
how do i stop?
I am so sick of...
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how did burns and blisters get to be the only thing that can make me feel like i am actually alive?
how do i stop?
I am so sick of...
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been a while i know...... more later............ but for now all i have to say is, oh yea this is what snuff is like, i forgot
O.o interesting......
pirate -
pirate -

WE FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or pretty damn close anyway.
After close to a year trying different combo's and ammounts of psychoactive drugs i think me and my therapist finally found the right combo for me.
.5 mg Risperdal twice a day,
20 mg Adderall three times a day,
500 mg Depakote at night.
after just a week being on the Risperdal with that combo i feel...
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or pretty damn close anyway.
After close to a year trying different combo's and ammounts of psychoactive drugs i think me and my therapist finally found the right combo for me.
.5 mg Risperdal twice a day,
20 mg Adderall three times a day,
500 mg Depakote at night.
after just a week being on the Risperdal with that combo i feel...
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i think i was the only one who ever HAD a camera at parties.
i can dye your hair wednesday if you don't FALL ASLEEP FOR FOUR DAYS again.
i can dye your hair wednesday if you don't FALL ASLEEP FOR FOUR DAYS again.

happy birthday, fucker. you didn't answer your phone.
Way to go me, managing to upset the only person that has put forth any effort whatso ever to see me at all in the past months. oh and i thought id gotten so far from this place mentally since finally getting out of my apartment, it really doesent take much convincing to coax out all the deamons that seem to make so much sence...
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update your journal, lameface.
ok it all started out simply enough, i was going to build myself a new computer.
so i browsed some online computer parts stores and all was well and good till i started looking stuff up at review sites.
12ish hours later my bookmarks folder has doubled with links ill prolly never get to again and my simple new computer got so jumbled up in...
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so i browsed some online computer parts stores and all was well and good till i started looking stuff up at review sites.
12ish hours later my bookmarks folder has doubled with links ill prolly never get to again and my simple new computer got so jumbled up in...
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HALLOWEEN TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well its only noon on v-day and ive already had 2 conversations (neither of my initiation) totalling probubly over an hour and a half with the dreaded ex. There needs to be a v-day equivalent to bah humbug. anyway ive got to get going cause the dreaded ex was to busy getting knocked up or something to go to class this whole semester thus far...
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please let me kill her for you.
please let me kill her for you.
why the hell does msn always tell me you're not online when i get to work?

Fun, fun, fun, oh boy is this fun.
Just what i need right befor V-Day, Kat calling me up just to chat about things. and everything she says just makes me realize how lonly i am. Hearing about all the people that try to call her every day but her cell is fucked up so they cant get through then her asking if i was...
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Just what i need right befor V-Day, Kat calling me up just to chat about things. and everything she says just makes me realize how lonly i am. Hearing about all the people that try to call her every day but her cell is fucked up so they cant get through then her asking if i was...
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i like how you IMed me at EIGHT IN THE MORNING and left me a frantic message on here and it was all about fucking SHOES.
you girl. come to the theater tonight.
you girl. come to the theater tonight.
Just so You Know You ARE Loathed Indeed!!
Stupid Fuckin Day...
Hope Alls Well in Hell!!

Just so You Know You ARE Loathed Indeed!!
Stupid Fuckin Day...
Hope Alls Well in Hell!!

eh awake has been crappy so im gonna go to sleep. The sleep that comes only with to much allergy medication, it might not be as refreshing as natural sleep but the dreams are a hell of a lot more interesting
One of these days i plan on posting some real posts i swear
dana - on loverboys 5 things he cant live without, what...
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One of these days i plan on posting some real posts i swear
dana - on loverboys 5 things he cant live without, what...
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There are no real posts here, just fake ones.
...And We DO Hope you Decide To 'Hang' around.
Firstly, I should tell you, if you haven't induldged into The Welcome Page or even into The Apothecary itself...You NEED to know that This group is for The Hardcore, Heavy Duty, Fright-Fixin, Cannot-LIVE-without-Horror Freaks...We are People who work in The Industry, Or write Bad Ass Horror, Make yer Own Gore Fantasies on Film, and Most Importantly...LOVE the Good Shit...This is NOT, I repeat, Is NOT The 'Popular' Horror group 101...No, No, No...We are Those Nasty Fucks That shoot stuff at Hollywood, CGI-Laden CRAP Like 'Resident Evil' Posters...Nuff said.
I always come and Welcome each member personally, and I offer My fiendship with A Sturdy Cyber Handshake, as I make it A Point to actually know as much about what your Interesta are as far as the gore goes...It just makes everything MUCH better, as I can assure you...This group is Unlike any other in its layout, and Pages, posts, features, quizzes, sexy sets, Links, and general High Level Macabre Masters in thier own special ways...That is why I advise new members to at least read the Welcome Page...Just so things are nice and sparkly clean...(Being A TROMA fan is An Awesome sign!)
So, I DO hope that you walk through the door beyond The Welcome, and Feel Right at Home amongst the Myriad of the Macabre, and enjoy Participation in some of the (and I quote...u can check...) Best Shit in this site when it comes to the good stuff...
(I also Look foward to knowing what Flavor of Fright is your thing...So that we know just what your Grey Matter has to say on the subject...We ALL have different tastes...but we reach a consensus on todays Hollywood Crap! I ask for Fiendship for this reason alone...but, I shan't be miffed should you wish not to...It's A Privacy and Personal issue...I just find it easier to be able to Haunt you properly...)
Once Again...WELCOME!
The Abominable Apothecary

...And We DO Hope you Decide To 'Hang' around.
Firstly, I should tell you, if you haven't induldged into The Welcome Page or even into The Apothecary itself...You NEED to know that This group is for The Hardcore, Heavy Duty, Fright-Fixin, Cannot-LIVE-without-Horror Freaks...We are People who work in The Industry, Or write Bad Ass Horror, Make yer Own Gore Fantasies on Film, and Most Importantly...LOVE the Good Shit...This is NOT, I repeat, Is NOT The 'Popular' Horror group 101...No, No, No...We are Those Nasty Fucks That shoot stuff at Hollywood, CGI-Laden CRAP Like 'Resident Evil' Posters...Nuff said.
I always come and Welcome each member personally, and I offer My fiendship with A Sturdy Cyber Handshake, as I make it A Point to actually know as much about what your Interesta are as far as the gore goes...It just makes everything MUCH better, as I can assure you...This group is Unlike any other in its layout, and Pages, posts, features, quizzes, sexy sets, Links, and general High Level Macabre Masters in thier own special ways...That is why I advise new members to at least read the Welcome Page...Just so things are nice and sparkly clean...(Being A TROMA fan is An Awesome sign!)
So, I DO hope that you walk through the door beyond The Welcome, and Feel Right at Home amongst the Myriad of the Macabre, and enjoy Participation in some of the (and I quote...u can check...) Best Shit in this site when it comes to the good stuff...
(I also Look foward to knowing what Flavor of Fright is your thing...So that we know just what your Grey Matter has to say on the subject...We ALL have different tastes...but we reach a consensus on todays Hollywood Crap! I ask for Fiendship for this reason alone...but, I shan't be miffed should you wish not to...It's A Privacy and Personal issue...I just find it easier to be able to Haunt you properly...)
Once Again...WELCOME!
The Abominable Apothecary

Slept right through therapy, oops. I guess for anyone else an apointment at 4pm would be pretty easy to make but after 3 or 4 days awake in a row (i really cant remember) and not getting to bed till prolly 4 am awake just wasent in the cards for me that early.
and since there wasent therapy there wasent going to boulder and no...
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and since there wasent therapy there wasent going to boulder and no...
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yay comments i LOVE cmments
WHATSS UP? Just wanted to say welcome and hope u have fun on SG!!
Self sabatoge.................
such an interesting human action...........
Why do i continually do things that i know befor hand will cause me great pain.............
Oh well tomarrow i will eiher go to therapy like i need to or not, and more importantly will i call kat while im in boulder. i know i shouldnet but i also know i will
Ive been thinking about this...
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such an interesting human action...........
Why do i continually do things that i know befor hand will cause me great pain.............
Oh well tomarrow i will eiher go to therapy like i need to or not, and more importantly will i call kat while im in boulder. i know i shouldnet but i also know i will
Ive been thinking about this...
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wake the fuck up. come to the theater. i'll give you candy and we can plot out ways to kill kat. it'll be great.
I want a pair of the Sony glasses, myself, but that's just for the awesomeness factor.
Augmented reality seems like a neat idea, but I'm not sure we won't just go to cybernetic sensory organs first.
Then again, maybe not. Humans are too squeamish.
Augmented reality seems like a neat idea, but I'm not sure we won't just go to cybernetic sensory organs first.
Then again, maybe not. Humans are too squeamish.
Well as with most of the times that i think something is in love with me turns out that it was just a glitch in the system somewhere and its only a matter of time untill tech support has crushed the flaw. So as those geeky google guys are working on the problem this might be last chance for invites at least in mass.
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Wow, you're slow. I figured it out from the first comment.
Although I guess I had more of a vested interest.
You have good taste in SG's. Although Al still frightens me- too many metal objects shoved places where those things shouldn't go.
Although I guess I had more of a vested interest.
You have good taste in SG's. Although Al still frightens me- too many metal objects shoved places where those things shouldn't go.
Well, I always knew Dana had good taste.
You're into programming? Or you just like AI as a philosophical thing?
You're into programming? Or you just like AI as a philosophical thing?