- on bunkdose's page
- on desmobile's page
- on silencenoir's status update
- on silencenoir's blog post
I'm back fuckers ;) after soooo many years, say hello!
Hello!!!! <3
Looks like I'm back... for 3 months anyways
Thanks to whoever re-activated my account.

Thanks to whoever re-activated my account.
OMG, it's like almost every long time friend of mine from like 5 yrs ago has just had their account renewed, I swear! Its really weird! I wonder if the site is doing some promotional thing right now by inviting back some of the older members ... or do u know who bought u the account? At any rate, ive been better, but ive been worse too. Glad to have u back sweetie.

And I'm back again ;)
I will be around til my account expires and then not for a while. Not sure how long, but I've decided to leave SG for some time.
Those of you who wish to stay in contact... email me so that I have your email and my myspace addy is here
to you all.
Those of you who wish to stay in contact... email me so that I have your email and my myspace addy is here

Happy birthday pretty lady.
My myspace is under lucy suicide, find me!
My myspace is under lucy suicide, find me!
it looks like sg staff is loving past members who are gone and offering them a 3-month membership. j'ai aussi eu un gentil donateur fantme.

I haven't updated in exactly a month
missing all of you.
Been busy, might be moving again soon... I hate packing and moving! ugh!
Cought a cold but I'm over it now.
Baby Luc is teething badly, 9 teeth and turned 9 months old today. He's growing too fast.
Had some champagne last week and it made me sick. I love the stuff tho I...
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Been busy, might be moving again soon... I hate packing and moving! ugh!
Cought a cold but I'm over it now.
Baby Luc is teething badly, 9 teeth and turned 9 months old today. He's growing too fast.
Had some champagne last week and it made me sick. I love the stuff tho I...
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Well...a while i have no news! did you get to your new place now?
I begun to work this week, but i felt alone all the week end...
Now it's midnight and i'm playing again silent hill 2 (this is the one i prefer: you'll understand why if you've done it^^)
Give me news sweetie
take care
I begun to work this week, but i felt alone all the week end...

Now it's midnight and i'm playing again silent hill 2 (this is the one i prefer: you'll understand why if you've done it^^)
Give me news sweetie
take care
Hey Girl
How have you been? I am back after a long break, don't know if you'll remember me, I was bangbrothers on here before but I couldn't re-activate my account

How have you been? I am back after a long break, don't know if you'll remember me, I was bangbrothers on here before but I couldn't re-activate my account

i guess it's time to update...
> i am hitching for some new ink, hopefully will get my arm worked on some more soon and decide on the back piece design.
> lately all i've wanted to drink is starbucks coffee, espresso blend.
> my baby boy is 8 months old today. where does the time go?
> i need Bambi to come visit me...
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> i am hitching for some new ink, hopefully will get my arm worked on some more soon and decide on the back piece design.
> lately all i've wanted to drink is starbucks coffee, espresso blend.
> my baby boy is 8 months old today. where does the time go?
> i need Bambi to come visit me...
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yay ur not gray anymore!! 

I come back and Kelly is gone. Hope you take care of yourself sweetie.
News? um well, alot of shit has been going on...hence the lack of updates. But I don't want to go into details. I'll just say this... I hate nitpicking people!
Luc is doing well, he turned 7 months on the 12th of march. Time flies.
How are all of you? Tell...
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News? um well, alot of shit has been going on...hence the lack of updates. But I don't want to go into details. I'll just say this... I hate nitpicking people!
Luc is doing well, he turned 7 months on the 12th of march. Time flies.
How are all of you? Tell...
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Funny? Funny? I don't know about funny but will random work? While in SF on vacation visiting my friend, he another pal of his and I went to this small bar on a Tuesday night. There was a rowdy group going tht eventually burst into song that spelled out they were a local rugby team.
They were hammered. They ordered 15 shots of Jager...downed them ...and then the bartender has one of the girls with them hop up on the bar. He hands her the very large bottle of Jager, complete with pour spout, and lets her go at it.
She starts walking up and down the bar and the players all jump around someone pointeing and yelling "HIM! HIM! HIM!" as the three of us were in a group of only 10 people who weren't with the team...they invited us into the fray. Tilt back head down the hatch and next thing you know we're all best friends having a grand 'ol time. Now that's living and what a vacation should be.
You're the best. You're lovely and you have a fab child. All smiles my dear.
They were hammered. They ordered 15 shots of Jager...downed them ...and then the bartender has one of the girls with them hop up on the bar. He hands her the very large bottle of Jager, complete with pour spout, and lets her go at it.
She starts walking up and down the bar and the players all jump around someone pointeing and yelling "HIM! HIM! HIM!" as the three of us were in a group of only 10 people who weren't with the team...they invited us into the fray. Tilt back head down the hatch and next thing you know we're all best friends having a grand 'ol time. Now that's living and what a vacation should be.
You're the best. You're lovely and you have a fab child. All smiles my dear.

so, do you hate nitpicking other people, or people that are nitpickers?
just what it says
update ur journal...I need to read whats happening in your life so I can harrass you about it!

Hope you enjoyed shopping, my lovely!!

Didnt do too much for New Years, but I plan to make it up this weekend
Are you feeling better? Do you have an cool resolutions? blah i think im gonna use the same one i did last year since i didnt succeed last year.... so lose 20 lbs lol hahah
hope your having a cool day sweetie

thank u sooooooooo much darlin'!!

yep ... like the folder name says
dabbling n shit
I should update, eh?
Nothing has been happening, except my hair is the fantastic. I shall post pictures when I get around to taking some.
Off to stuff my face with chocolate.
Nothing has been happening, except my hair is the fantastic. I shall post pictures when I get around to taking some.
Off to stuff my face with chocolate.

you too!!!
I love that desktop you did for me soooo much!! Thank you--you are wonderful! It is on my desktop right now
Gamer. Yep, but not as hard-core as I once was or as some of my friends still are and although I still habg around on my old clans teamspeak sever I don't play for them any longer
Bestest wishes
(it's 3 am and I better turn in... nighty night)

Gamer. Yep, but not as hard-core as I once was or as some of my friends still are and although I still habg around on my old clans teamspeak sever I don't play for them any longer

Bestest wishes
(it's 3 am and I better turn in... nighty night)