SO the LDS or Mormon chapel is open until June 4th on Colubus and 66th. IT seems they have not sanctified it yet, and therforer infidels are allowed to come in.
See the baptismal font that rest on the back of 12 life size oxen!
Where they baptize the DEAD!
See the rooms they roam in their WHITE ROBES!
Its actually cool and a little...
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See the baptismal font that rest on the back of 12 life size oxen!
Where they baptize the DEAD!
See the rooms they roam in their WHITE ROBES!
Its actually cool and a little...
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Merry Christmas.
it sounds like that place in "Eyes Wide Shut" but without all the cool naked people
So I have been debating over what to write next. Having been kicked out of SGNY has been rather traumatic for me. I could go into details but I would rather not. I actually wrote quite a long piece justifying my behavior, but it the end it does not really matter. People are going to think what they like.
Bottom line is that I still...
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Bottom line is that I still...
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*pokes you again*
what's new?
what's new?
gianna nannini?!?!?!
So I just got back from the SG Philly Party and it was great! Thanks to Stiles I got to sleep over in the best loft garage home I have ever seen! I even got a sword out of the deal, a little 3 foot full metal blade that is beautiful!
Thanks to Cyd and DirtyPrettyThing for putting up with a bunch of drunken hooligans...
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Thanks to Cyd and DirtyPrettyThing for putting up with a bunch of drunken hooligans...
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eep you took the china town bus down there?
i've been really curious about that.
tell me all you know about the china town busses!!
i've been really curious about that.
tell me all you know about the china town busses!!

hey saint, are you going this friday?
NIce. Thanks for the link. I've only had a chance to go through a little of it...but: Very Cool.

hey, how was friday night?
yea, ahhh youre the guy w/ the white beard?
i owe you - i went to the asphalt green open house last night. thank you!!!! no one else showed up for the stroke analysis, so i got the whole hour. it was fantastic. wiped me out kinda, since i did 3000m in the morning and then about 1400yds more at asphalt green. what a beautiful place. too bad i don't live on the east side. thinking about dropping in once a week to swim with their team...but don't know if i'll actually do it.
thanks again -and see you saturday! whaddaya drink? i'll buy you a bottle. (say Midori)
thanks again -and see you saturday! whaddaya drink? i'll buy you a bottle. (say Midori)
hehe. Yes, the kitty is real. Her name is Hybrid and she weighs about 17 pounds. I use her as a pillow at night and she only eats cat food and green beans. Must be the green beans.haha.

That was me not Sagan. Some of what you are saying is very Sagan Cosmos like. Thanks for the response.
Bembes in Brookyln Rocks. A few dance realizations:
We all ride they great firey beast that is the living universe.
We are as cilia on the beast of life, pulsating with its inner fire but connected to it and to each other, and as small as a tiny hair on its body.
There is a perfect line that describes the path that the best version...
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We all ride they great firey beast that is the living universe.
We are as cilia on the beast of life, pulsating with its inner fire but connected to it and to each other, and as small as a tiny hair on its body.
There is a perfect line that describes the path that the best version...
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Hey-a! Wow! Thank you so much, you are awesome! I am definitely gonna' try and make it. I think my friend lefrost would love to go, that's if she isn't going already. She'll be jealous that I am getting in for free. Thanks again, I will let you know how it goes.
How was your night? I took the metrorail to Chinatown last night for drinks and go a ride back to Highland Park (outside of L.A.). It was great, I got to see a ton of my friends. That's always a plus!
How was your night? I took the metrorail to Chinatown last night for drinks and go a ride back to Highland Park (outside of L.A.). It was great, I got to see a ton of my friends. That's always a plus!
wow! rasta dancing brings out some HEAVY thoughts.....i like it though. im not capable of creating w/ words like yourself. im a bit jealous. are you going to that bar this wednessday?
I had a great time at the Party at Skryches place last night. His Doctor friend (OK edit to lady friend, I was trying to be discreet, but only God knows why! lol) is awesone and the liquor was flowing! I saw that certain someones (again the discreet gene kicks in) were learning to play twister a whole new way (thanks ****er**** for the game)...
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Hey, I've been meaning to say Hi since the SGNY holiday party. It was fun hanging out w/you. I hop our paths cross again
Santa Barbara?

So Santa play time is over as of two days ago. It was fun and I made some money so that is good.
My Santess and I went out on date 3 to Bellvue. Had a great time though things seemed a bit wierd.
So she e mails me today saying there was no romantic vibe in the air. That sucks but is not unexpected,...
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My Santess and I went out on date 3 to Bellvue. Had a great time though things seemed a bit wierd.
So she e mails me today saying there was no romantic vibe in the air. That sucks but is not unexpected,...
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Cool! I was hoping to see a picture of it. I got cha' now, there's no way that beer is goin' anywhere except for the chicken's rump. haha. That would make a great present for so many guys that I know.
Sorry to hear about your santess, good girls are hard to come by. i.e. Fun, nice and pretty. Another chance will come soon though. It is in the magic of the new year!
What are your plans for tonight? Whatever they are I am sure you will have lots of fun as usual!
Happy New Year!
Sorry to hear about your santess, good girls are hard to come by. i.e. Fun, nice and pretty. Another chance will come soon though. It is in the magic of the new year!
What are your plans for tonight? Whatever they are I am sure you will have lots of fun as usual!
Happy New Year!
I'm flattered, but really I'm way too porky and too old to be a suicide girl.
OK Yesterday was Crazy.
9am, some guy drives me out to Pleasantville (I am not kidding) where I was a Santa for his kid! He "caught" me dropping off gifts. Dad had prepped me on the kids likes and dislikes, so I was able to suprise him with details about his life, and ask about favorite drawings, and action figures and the like. Saw the...
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9am, some guy drives me out to Pleasantville (I am not kidding) where I was a Santa for his kid! He "caught" me dropping off gifts. Dad had prepped me on the kids likes and dislikes, so I was able to suprise him with details about his life, and ask about favorite drawings, and action figures and the like. Saw the...
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Wow, Santa! That was quite a day! I heard Santa Con was wild too. Merry Christmas indeed!
That cast iron chair you got for X-mas sounds cool! I haven't seen one like it. Would the beer really spill on the chicken or would it go all over the place? Either way that is cool. I don't eat chicken but I still want one. hehe.
Great Party, too hung over to write, got to go to work
More later
Now is Later:
Quick review of last night. 8 pm waiting at Planet Thailand for Minimalism et al to arrive. (They were caught in wicked tunnel traffic bringing the Phiili bunch in, well worth the wait!) Meet obsidity from SF, some reporter, uncognizant, fentopal and a bunch of great people from...
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Now is Later:
Quick review of last night. 8 pm waiting at Planet Thailand for Minimalism et al to arrive. (They were caught in wicked tunnel traffic bringing the Phiili bunch in, well worth the wait!) Meet obsidity from SF, some reporter, uncognizant, fentopal and a bunch of great people from...
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Oh yeah, Wilt is a tall one and cute!
I have always had a crush on this big bad brotha' though...
I think it has a lot to do with the glasses...Yummy!
I have always had a crush on this big bad brotha' though...
I think it has a lot to do with the glasses...Yummy!
I have yet to read Quicksilver, but I hear Cryptonomicon is better anyway.
SO much had happened since SantaCon, lets see
Met a Santess at SantaCOn that is great and we had drinks on Wednesday at Revival. She is funny and outgoing and a great kisser (yes we KISSED!) and I hope we get to do it again! Going dancing on Sunday I hope.
Had my last final on Thursday. Did pretty well, so I am hoping for...
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Met a Santess at SantaCOn that is great and we had drinks on Wednesday at Revival. She is funny and outgoing and a great kisser (yes we KISSED!) and I hope we get to do it again! Going dancing on Sunday I hope.
Had my last final on Thursday. Did pretty well, so I am hoping for...
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A kiss! That's awesome!!
Here's an extra one...
(or two)
Here's an extra one...

thats awesome. i've been looking at some of his work on the net since you posted that. i'm definitely going to try and get to see that. i've also never been to PS1, even though i practically live down the block from it, so i'm gonna try and get over there to see that exhibit.