I have been MIA this last month and I never actually went anywhere. Honestly, I blame it on September. For years September has been a month that brings nothing but chaos and malice. Having a birthday in September doesn't seem to help either. I have been sick or stuck with horrible cases of bad ju-ju every year around my birthday. My birthday has become a...
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My first tattoo is done. I have some new photos online.
The tattoo is a Rogue tribute. The mask in it is supposed to be that of Olidimmara the Laughing Rogue but needs work. It should look better when i get it colored.
The tattoo is a Rogue tribute. The mask in it is supposed to be that of Olidimmara the Laughing Rogue but needs work. It should look better when i get it colored.
A weekend is finally here. Not the weekend but a weekend. With my schedule your average weekend is not what it is supposed to be. I do not relax I just don't stress as much. School has been hell throwing everything at me right in the beginning and now the teachers are out of ammo. So I am taking this chance while they reload to...
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This is the perfect weekend, too. Mercury is still in Retrograde, which means this is a great time for introspection and considering how your past, now relates to your present and future.
Mercury does Direct again February 3rd.
Mercury does Direct again February 3rd.
Well third week of the semester just started and I am already getting my ass kicked. The work load is intense but at least this semester has a whole lot less bullshit associated with then the previous ones.
This time year eats at you. It is a busy one with the holidays all being over and having to play catch up on those credit cards...
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This time year eats at you. It is a busy one with the holidays all being over and having to play catch up on those credit cards...
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It has been a long time since I posted here... life became chaotic and then all the answers hit me at once.
I had a dream last night. It was no ordinary dream though. You were in it, everyone was in it. The dream lasted for days and days. I saw people who I have not seen in years. I mended old relationships. I did...
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I had a dream last night. It was no ordinary dream though. You were in it, everyone was in it. The dream lasted for days and days. I saw people who I have not seen in years. I mended old relationships. I did...
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It is 4:23 AM and my WoW server just went down so now I get to sit around and think.
I have been vegetating that last 2 weeks or so since the move in. I am sitting in a corner in a gaming chair surrounded by boxes that are opened but not unpacked. I have been doing nothing. I don't have the drive to unpack....
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I have been vegetating that last 2 weeks or so since the move in. I am sitting in a corner in a gaming chair surrounded by boxes that are opened but not unpacked. I have been doing nothing. I don't have the drive to unpack....
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Happy Birthday! 

I hate it when servers go down it makes me anxious and try and log again and again. 

Ok so the big move into the new house has happened. We are living with strangers for a few days and do not have stable interwebs. I have many banners finished but I can put them on the site yet as the interwebs here blows. I hope to soon be back on more frequently. Also I need a job like a fat kid needs a...
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Ok so everything I was mentioning yesterday was in relation to the SRC (Student Representative Council) elections I was running for a position on. This has taken up a lot of my time recently and though I am sure that I did not give it my best effort I am satisfied with not winning. This is because of all the dirty politics in a COLLEGE...
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I have spent the last four hours working on a journal for a class that I have been procrastinating all year. I feel so renewed, doing school work is something I have been avoiding like the plague and in all honesty I enjoyed it I had a lot of fun writing it... I remember why I am an English major. I just wish it had...
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Ok so I really have not been keeping up on my blog in here as much as I would like to. (For that matter I have not been keeping up on any of my blogs.) Anyways life is still chaotic but it is going to come to a screeching halt here soon whether it wants to or not. I have some really big decisions to...
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Good luck on your goals, it's hard!
I'm looking forward to updates and I can't wait to see some new photos.
Thanks again for the banners.
I'm looking forward to updates and I can't wait to see some new photos.
Thanks again for the banners.
Long time since I made a post here... Life has been hectic. You know the term hit the ground running well this semester was more like hit the ground tumble a few times and then be ready to catch the bus because you arent making it there in time on foot.... or something like that.
I have been up to my ears in work, and...
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I have been up to my ears in work, and...
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Aw, thanks for the second comment
We appreciate it mucho.

Thanks so much for the comments on the Circus set!
My life was just changed the Fresh Prince is a scientoligist! I am going to tell Uncle Phil.
On a side note FUCK YOU McDonalds i put my trust in your 24 hour awesomeness and was decieved!
My life was just changed the Fresh Prince is a scientoligist! I am going to tell Uncle Phil.
On a side note FUCK YOU McDonalds i put my trust in your 24 hour awesomeness and was decieved!