Yea. Me neither. But I wanted a burger, damnit. So off we went...Mr. Sadface and I. Two explorers searching for truth, justice, and fantastic fries.

When we got to Red Robin, our friendly waiter had a few questions for us...
Waiter: Hello, you two. Can I get you something to drink? Or maybe something to nibble on? Some Pizza Shooters, Shrimp Poppers, or Extreme Fajitas?
Rowan: Nah, I will have a Hawaiian Heartthrob.
Mr. Sadface: I shall have Coke.
Waiter: Wow...why the long face? What's under the bag?
Rowan: Look pencil-dick, just get our drinks. *sigh
Waiter: Okay. Sounds like a case of the Thursdays.
Mr. Sadface: Hmm...That guy was a pencil-dick.
Rowan: Uh....yea. I think we went over this.
*both sigh
Our drinks eventually came, and pencil-dick took our order.

Mr. Sadface decided on an A1 peppercorn burger. I stuck with my usual Gardenburger on wheat. As the waiter walked away, he was stopped by a painfully chipper coworker who needed a few more voices for a birthday sing-a-long. Whoohoo!

While waiting for our grup, I went to take a drink an YAYAYAY!!! I had one of those nifty umbrella things!

After a few more retarded remarks from the waiter, we got our food. I demolished mine.

We cleared the table, and then cleared the bill. Afterwards, to cheer him up, I loaned Mr. Sadface a couple of dollars to spend however he would like. Thrilled at the prospect, he began shoving them into the crane machine with frantic glee.

He played to his little sad heart's content.

As we walked out to the parking lot, Mr. Sadface decided to do something he has never done before. Ladies and gents, he has agreed to let me show you this only with great pleading. You see, this image is actually a pinup Mr. Sadface. So you can imagine his reluctance to show his sensual art for all to see. I hope you appreciate his strength.
Without further ado:
Good night my lovelies! ♥
Written in KOVU's journal and placed here so that more people will see this disturbing shit.
ok everyone. i know that there isnt a whole loe of people who read my journal but one of the girls
has posted on a girls ony board a very disturbing website. all of us girls are very upset about it and we feel that there should be awareness. PLEASE report to CyberLawEnforcement or a similar agency. if this is what is being put on the net "legally" please imagine what these poor children are going through behingd closed doors. THESE PARENTS ARE AWARE OF THIS. please help these parents get the shit they deserve.
also if you can post this on your journal with the same message it would be highly appreciated. this HAS to stop. "legal" or not...these children are being exploited.
Off to do the task of the day (