Erin Broadley: How did this all begin?
KamranV: The way all this started was Billboard and the LA Times sort...
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I'm interested in joining in on the fashion suicide thing.
I always walk around with my camera in my purse and I would love to have a reasonto go take pictures of people with good fashion sense!
...Albuquerque's not exactly a booming fashion hotspot, haha, but I do see some really creative people here.
"the thrush, which merely fluttered aside and came back.
Drat the bird! said Bilbo crossly. I believe he is listening, and
I dont like the look of him."
I'm too tired to post more right now, but will tomorrow. Maybe some pics, too.
Yeah it was funny, hobbit spam new one to me I see you also cant wait for transformers the the movie either, Im so excited about it. I want som serious truck kicking ass!!!!!

They were from the Netherlands, and it was around 1933. His Grandpop came to America for work, and they remained in touch via the post. After a couple of years, he wanted to bring her over, but he couldn't afford to go back and marry/escort his fiance to the U.S., so they wrote a letter to the Queen requesting the right marry by proxy. Her father stood in for his daughter's husband-to-be, and she came to the states just before most of The Netherlands' (and the rest of Europe's) Jewry was wiped out by Hitler and the Nazis.
This is like the stories I tell myself when I'm waiting for the bus; I'm so happy to hear that something like this happened to real people! If this is the first thing I'm to read today, I suspect I shall have an excellent morning.
CHRIST ON A CRACKER! It's always the most daring and improbable, against the odds stories that matter. Think of all the people in central Europe who got a bad feeling and left, before the mid-thirties, then later and later. Some people, conditioned to accept pogroms every generation or so with resignation, must have been just totally desensitized, tuned out, thought those who got out were nuts for a while.
No point getting depressed about all that; nationalism and genocide will never succeed in killing off any people who have soul. All of us alive on the planet right now are survivors, in one way or another. And whenever I start whining, I eventually think of people who had unspeakably awful conditions and were able to triumph over them.
Fuckin A', the hate and the love and the love and the hate; likeness and image of God and yet horribly scarred by the fall, or caught up in samsara, delusion, you name it baby.
Water under the bridge. Your ass is grass. Timing is everything.
Sturdy as an oak. Stubborn as a mule. Rise and shine. The silly season.
Raking in the dough. Some like carrots others like cabbage. This is for
the birds. Rise and shine. What on earth? Water doesn't run uphill.
Water doesn't run uphill. They're like two peas in a...
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Water rise like birds
Everything walking
The lily is earth
Jupitron is my Transformer name. Helen High Water is my Native American name. Helen Wheels is my Hell's Angels name. Helen Back is where I'm gonna take ya. Helen Earth is what I am.
Fuckin' excellent band from Australia.