Thank God none of the abroad friends I was talking about said anything about my post.
That was useful.
So I get the following text message from the girl on Friday night:
"I have to admit, It's really hard living without you."
I did not reply. I'm the one who needs a break now.
So, I'm not traveling to the place I wanted to...and I'm not surprised. This has been such a terrible month, I'm prolly better off staying here. Plus things are tighter than I thought, God I'm bad with money.
I will go there soon though, and I plan on going to Argentina around August.....
Wanna help me have a happier bday? (on the 29th, btw)....You could send a card down...I'm not even asking for gifts, but funny hand-written dont even have to buy a card....just make one...fold a blank sheet in half or something. That would rule beyond words....
Here's my address:
Polly Braga
r. Maria Elizabeth, 201
Guarulhos, SP - 07121-250
On that topic, I got my package from Ravioliiiii!!!! Wheeeeee!!! The sweetest hoodie EVER!!!
Pictures to come soon, once I remember to charge my batteries....I hate this goddamn camera so much, I dont even feel like taking pictures with it anymore. Ugh.
So here is some old and very grainy picture just to make this post a little less depressing:

Thank God none of the abroad friends I was talking about said anything about my post.

That was useful.
So I get the following text message from the girl on Friday night:
"I have to admit, It's really hard living without you."
I did not reply. I'm the one who needs a break now.
So, I'm not traveling to the place I wanted to...and I'm not surprised. This has been such a terrible month, I'm prolly better off staying here. Plus things are tighter than I thought, God I'm bad with money.

Wanna help me have a happier bday? (on the 29th, btw)....You could send a card down...I'm not even asking for gifts, but funny hand-written dont even have to buy a card....just make one...fold a blank sheet in half or something. That would rule beyond words....
Here's my address:
Polly Braga
r. Maria Elizabeth, 201
Guarulhos, SP - 07121-250
On that topic, I got my package from Ravioliiiii!!!! Wheeeeee!!! The sweetest hoodie EVER!!!
Pictures to come soon, once I remember to charge my batteries....I hate this goddamn camera so much, I dont even feel like taking pictures with it anymore. Ugh.
So here is some old and very grainy picture just to make this post a little less depressing:

anytime your available you can ride in it

hi! How are you?