OK so i didn't get sick, and all hell has broken lose here. yay. So to start this off

1: My computer cataches on fire, litteratly, the video card fan quit working over heated and burst into flames, melting it, cracking the agp slot, burning spots onthe motherboard and IDE cables, so here i am assed out and can't rebuild and this pc isnt worth...
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Oie. I think im getting sick. stuffy head, coughing. seems almost like pneumonia or bronchitis. well the starting stages anyways. Theres so many things i want to do but i dont know what to do. oie.

I'm so confused and my head hurts too. any ideas would be helpful. speaking of helpful. i gotta question for you all.. so i recently got my labret done,...
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don't stretch whilst sick.


thanks for your comment biggrin
stretching is only good if that piece of flesh will return to a smaller state once taken out...but that's my theory. I refuse to stretch anything other than my ears...I'm worried about being 80 with large piercing holes everywhere...eep!

thanks for the comment on my set!
Rawr. i got back in to PDX on the 13th at about 11:45pm.

Had a blast for the most part. go to hang out with TheDarkMarkDave[/Member] all day friday, got some new stuff, mostly my new Digital Camera.

Nikon 7600. 7.2mp (woot). its a compact "point and shoot" camera for the most part but the clairty and detail of the pictures are very impressive....
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thanks for the comment on my set!!
Thanks for your comment on my set smile kiss
Today is Feb 3rd and at 7:45am PST on Feb 9th, I will be on a American Airlines jet heading to RDU airport.


Just finished up another clients website, joy. i think im going to buy a new guitar... ESP DV8-R, Dave Mustaine signature series.. sounds great, plays great, looks killer. yeh i think i'll work on getting that one.. Then i'll own 1...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!
kiss kiss kiss
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
kiss biggrin
So today is Jan 22nd, 2006. I went to Raven Ink tattoo on SE 82nd ave, i think it was 82nd, anyways had my appt with Steve to get my labret done. so i got it finnaly. next is my eye brow, and ears. Not sure when i'll do those but yeh. some day. Thanks to John and Adrienne for buying it for me. She...
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Thanks for the lovely comment on my new set kiss
me parrat says finks for de compliment on me set. arrr ARRR!!!
So today is Friday the 13th. and as it looks Feb 9th - 13th i will be back in Fayetteville NC Visiting. Yay. the 9th is my bday of corse so happy 21... heh.

So if your gonna be in the area and wanna hang out, hit me up on the cell. I'll be with Dave. Acctully ill be in the Wilmington NC Area...
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Thank you! kiss

Hope your trip is going along nicely smile
Ok so im thinking about getting a new tattoo. Left arm. Inside. preview here.

Its something i drew up in Photoshop using a nickname that has long term meaning behind it.
Well, as far as where you want to put it, that looks like it would be a really good fit. But, it also looks like the kind of thing that you might want to make sure that you really really want to go around with Scrub tattooed to you forever and all.

Oh, and you get points for wishing me a merry Christmas, though I am Jewish, not that you knew that.
Dave totally knew I was a Jew.

But anyways, I"ve been a little stressed lately, but generally better. Kinda excited cause Dave is visiting me up in New York soon, it'll be an interesting week, I'm even taking him to the theater.

How have you been?
Okies so its been almost a month since my last update. so.

is now re-oppend. My self and the other Admin staff have finnished the new skins, layouts, and other stuff. most of the old content is restored. All users need to re register unfortunatly.

Chase's Blog is my oficial blog site. its part of the Pixel-Pulse thing. check it out if you want....
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ok so i've gotten stuck into the whole "MySpace" thing right? www.myspace.com/nicr0 ok so after i went and made my own stupid theme, i was checking out other peoples profiles etc. to see if i might know some people already on there and to meet new ones.. so im browsing around, and i find this one chick who some of her pics are just phenominal...
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ok so i've gotten stuck into the whole "MySpace" thing right? www.myspace.com/nicr0 ok so after i went and made my own stupid theme, i was checking out other peoples profiles etc. to see if i might know some people already on there and to meet new ones.. so im browsing around, and i find this one chick who some of her pics are just phenominal...
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Oct 27th 2005 sometime around 9am and 12pm my house was robbed and they stole my new computer, and that was it. this was obviously an inside job as my guitars, old pc tower, amp, were un touched.

Cell phone's (new and old one), there box, charger, watch, half carton of cigs, 1 monitor, 1 tower, keyboard, mouse, 35dvds, blank cds, my LAN cable?!(im still...
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