Hello, hello, hello.....
Okay here's the scoop. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in so long, the truth is this is the first time I've even been to the site in months. As I might have mentioned I moved to a great house out in the country and since I didn't have my wonderful sister to pay for everything for me I don't have...
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Okay here's the scoop. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in so long, the truth is this is the first time I've even been to the site in months. As I might have mentioned I moved to a great house out in the country and since I didn't have my wonderful sister to pay for everything for me I don't have...
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Okay so....sorry to everyone for neglecting my journal for so damn long. Ever since I moved I don't have the internet so it's a little inconvenient for me to find a place to do it. Has anyone been to a Hot Water Music show lately? I went recently and they were so talented, their bass player is utterly amazing!
I finally found a new job,...
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I finally found a new job,...
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My Limbo sister, do-hi-tsu. This is to let you, my limbo sister, know that I love you and all Limbo girls rock. Don't let the man get you down. You are powerful & pretty and we all want to see you naked!
aka Windy Moon (March)
My Limbo sister, do-hi-tsu. This is to let you, my limbo sister, know that I love you and all Limbo girls rock. Don't let the man get you down. You are powerful & pretty and we all want to see you naked!
aka Windy Moon (March)
where have you been? what have you been up to?

I think I've become a complete loser, but I don't care because I'm having too much fun. I recently moved into a killer house with a girlfriend of mine and it's been really cool so far. I have so much space and pretty soon we're going to get a hot tub. I've grown really sick of my job so I put in my notice and...
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"short and stacked"!!!
hi mara, i just popped along from the alkaline trio group to say "hello!"...
so..er...hello and stuff!
love your shoulder tatt btw!
good luck with your "stuff" up there...

hi mara, i just popped along from the alkaline trio group to say "hello!"...
so..er...hello and stuff!

love your shoulder tatt btw!
good luck with your "stuff" up there...
happy thanksgiving

wow, it's been a while since i've updated this thing. i started school today, needless to say it sucked. i despise homework. i watch the move "city of god" yesterday, if you haven't seen it you must. i bought tickets to go see jack johnson so i'm really excited about that. basicly once again i have nothing remotely interesting to say. i guess i don't...
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0oo i love jack johnson. and city of god kicks ass, really really good film. i want to see it again actually, i saw it in a cinema with a brazillian boy and well... brazillians arent so caring about movies when with a girl...

you look great. Looking forward to a full set
I'm on vacation right now from work and it has been sooo nice! On the 30th I'm going to fly down to LA for a week to visit my mom and one of my best friends. My mom is taking me to Mexico to spend Labor Day weekend there, I'm super excited. My mommy is paying for everything so that makes it so much better,...
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i'd take you out for a good time, but i'm here in georgia. sorry
keep looking pretty, pretty eyes

keep looking pretty, pretty eyes

Boring artist type you say? Hardly so. Hell, your interests are much cooler than mine.
I am having quite possibly the worst day ever! My car broke down on my way to work this morning which sucks so bad. I hate feeling stranded and helpless not to mention I don't have the money to fix my car.
Also, I'm sort of a terrible person because I cheated on my ex-boyfriend (who is now one of my best-friends) with one of...
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Also, I'm sort of a terrible person because I cheated on my ex-boyfriend (who is now one of my best-friends) with one of...
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i dont know how long you've been in limbo, but congrats 

Sorry that you got ratted out that way. I had a similar thing happen recently with my best friend telling my girlfriend things I wish he hadn't....nothing quite so big but it sucks to have your friends get all gossipy on you. I'm not quite sure how to deal with my situation either, but I figure I've gotta call him on it.....

Fast Times at Ridegemont High is possibly one of the funniest movies ever. I love it and I just can't get enough of it lately. I'm just a loser and I have no life, but I've been getting really good at golf lately. Yes, I golf. I know it's a yuppie sport but I have fun with it anyway and besides I love pissing all...
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GOLF! yes! i am the master of put-put golf!

Ah yes, Fast Times... a definite classic (as is Ferris Bueller).
I used to always go down to the 9-hole course on Greenlake and play a couple of rounds. Not exactly the real thing, but it was perfect to just hit the ball and walk around on a lazy summer day.
I used to always go down to the 9-hole course on Greenlake and play a couple of rounds. Not exactly the real thing, but it was perfect to just hit the ball and walk around on a lazy summer day.
So I've come to the conclusion that taking summer classes was a bad idea. The PE class that I'm taking is no big deal and it makes me feel good to get in shape. But the online classes were a bad idea. I don't have enough discipline to get online to do my work so I've fallen so far behind that my teachers say I...
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there is a new limbo girls group... you should come join

there is a new limbo girls group... you should come join

Warped tour was awesome, fun as always. I got the chance to meet the drummer for Anti-Flag cause he was wandering around the campground I stayed at. I managed to be polite to him but I really think he is a terrible drummer and I'm not a big fan of their band. It was altogether a good time.
I love scotch. Scotchie, scotchie, scotch.
I love scotch. Scotchie, scotchie, scotch.
Hey! I'm Scotch-Irish... Does that count?
Hey you! I'm glad you had fun at the warped tour! I've been so fucking inactive lately, but i've vowed to change that
I cannot tell you how much i wanted your set to go up during this last run of new girls. I cant wait! I'm such a dork like that, i dont normally look forward to these types of things like that. Have you been doing well? I hope so, i cant wait to catch back up with you

Hmmm, I have no life. The Daily Show Rocks. I need a significant other.
Warped Tour is tomorrow, I am extremly excited to get out of this damn city. The show I'm going to is at this venue called the Gorge. It's in Eastern Washington and it is beautiful. It is a natural amphitheatre (spelling?) carved into the side of a hill overlooking a lovely...
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Warped Tour is tomorrow, I am extremly excited to get out of this damn city. The show I'm going to is at this venue called the Gorge. It's in Eastern Washington and it is beautiful. It is a natural amphitheatre (spelling?) carved into the side of a hill overlooking a lovely...
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The Gummy Bears theme is right up there. The problem is, nobody ever learns the whole song. They just sing the chorus which is sad because I think the verses are the better part of the ditty.
When you go to the Gorge tomorrow, you have to promise me you'll go see Flogging Molly. That way, I can live vicariously through you... Is it creepy to live vicariously through someone you've never met?
When you go to the Gorge tomorrow, you have to promise me you'll go see Flogging Molly. That way, I can live vicariously through you... Is it creepy to live vicariously through someone you've never met?
Taking classes during the summer really sucks! I hate doing homework enough as it is but when it's nice outside I really hate it.
I went to the gay pride parade in Seattle yesterday with my aunt (of all people), it was a lot of fun. Seattle is fun and interesting as it is but gay pride weekend is a hoot. There's a lot of...
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I went to the gay pride parade in Seattle yesterday with my aunt (of all people), it was a lot of fun. Seattle is fun and interesting as it is but gay pride weekend is a hoot. There's a lot of...
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i took summer school classes, but, they were drawing classes, so i was low matinence home work.
i haven't seen Fahrenheit 9/11, i so want to.
i haven't seen Fahrenheit 9/11, i so want to.
i have a set waiting to be queued still. oh the excitement!
Hey folks. How is everyone? This week I was on vacation, I didn't end up going to LA and I really didn't do much of anything but it was good clean fun. Monday is the start of summer quarter and I go back to work. I finished a couple of paintings this week and there's a local tattoo shop where I usually put them to...
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You're so beautiful!
*squeals with the whole "OMGOSH it's a SG" while pointing and giggling like a little schoolgirl.*
Thank you for the compliment.
I love to paint too.

I love to paint too.