I enjoy toast.
In fact, you might say I love toast.
I love toast for many reasons. So many reasons, in fact, that they are difficult to enumerate. I will attempt to do so anyway.
1. It's delicious.
2. I can have it for any meal at any time of the day or night.
These are all the reasons I can think of as...
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I enjoy toast.
In fact, you might say I love toast.
I love toast for many reasons. So many reasons, in fact, that they are difficult to enumerate. I will attempt to do so anyway.
1. It's delicious.
2. I can have it for any meal at any time of the day or night.
These are all the reasons I can think of as...
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The Laziest Effin Fall TV Preview You Are Likely to Read
By Edward Kelly
Im a terrible gambler. I dont mean that Ive got some sort of problem, I mean literally that I am bad at gambling of any kind. Ive got no eye for the fast money, I cant count cards, and more often than not I forget the rules and accepted decorum while...
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By Edward Kelly
Im a terrible gambler. I dont mean that Ive got some sort of problem, I mean literally that I am bad at gambling of any kind. Ive got no eye for the fast money, I cant count cards, and more often than not I forget the rules and accepted decorum while...
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