i hate seeing my family, heroes and the few celebrities that i esteem get old.
last night i watched George Carlin's "It's Bad For Ya," the last of his HBO specials that was filmed shortly before he died this year.
even though i had a hard time getting past the fact that he looked old and angry to me, kind of the way Clint Eastwood did in "Gran Torino," i found myself relating to this material more than any of his other.
it was the part about having a 'very low tolerance for stupid bullshit' that really got me.
all my life people have been compelled to tell me their life stories and seek my advice.
apparently the patchouli doesn't cover the dr. phil/frasier crane essence i exude.
my mother is cursed with the same affliction--maybe it's our faces.
Carlin talks about dealing with stupid bullshit on the phone. i totally agree with him on his philosophy of what a phone call should be--i've always believed that the phone should be used for brief transmissions of important packets of information, not hours and hours of streaming inane verbal diarrhea pouring through the phone line(granted, i think and hope we've all had those fantastic hours-long yaps about nothing and everything in the early stages of the mating ritual).
Carlin demonstrated the 'jerking off' motion that people make while on the phone, bored by the annoying barrage of pointless, overly-dramatic trivial bullshit, a gesture i find myself doing far too often these days, as the vast majority of annoying stupid bullshit enters my life through the phone; for some reason, i've always had more difficulty shutting people down on the phone than in person.
i don't mind listening to peoples' dilemmas when it's something that will allow me to offer at least a point of view that may be helpful to them, but when it turns into nothing more than the spewing of a mundane sob-story involving people i don't know or care to know and situations to which i can't relate involving insignificant events, i lose all interest. if my setting wasn't stuck on kindness, i'd scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
i probably wouldn't have a voice at all by now.
yr job, yr coworkers, yr estranged husband's sister's kid's babysitter's grades, yr friend's potential girlfriend, a vacation yr in-laws took, one of yr clients' kids' first birthdays, yr ex-husband's ex-wife...it's all stupid bullshit and i don't care about it and yet i feel like i hear more of it than most people. perhaps i'm just one of the minority that realizes that it's all just stupid bullshit and is annoyed by it.
i don't blame them--it's not really their fault that they suck--most people suck, and lots of them are talkers. i blame myself for allowing myself to end up in this situation again and again--i recognize the signs, i know better every time, and yet i still find myself signing up to hear their stupid bullshit. there are lots of people that would rather blather on about how things are broken than fix them themselves, so they find someone kind enough to listen. they know that the kindness/weakness folks will usually try to help fix their problems(in hopes that it will make these annoying people go away), but it's just like feeding an animal--they keep coming back, this time pushing a bottomless wheelbarrow of broken things and non-issues to resolve.
needy, clingy, whiny, helpless, self-pity junkies that want to get you addicted to their woesmack, sit around getting wasted with you all day and walk in circles around the pile of problems they've dumped on yr living room floor.
just a rant.
i guess it's an example of my stupid bullshit.
last night i watched George Carlin's "It's Bad For Ya," the last of his HBO specials that was filmed shortly before he died this year.
even though i had a hard time getting past the fact that he looked old and angry to me, kind of the way Clint Eastwood did in "Gran Torino," i found myself relating to this material more than any of his other.
it was the part about having a 'very low tolerance for stupid bullshit' that really got me.
all my life people have been compelled to tell me their life stories and seek my advice.
apparently the patchouli doesn't cover the dr. phil/frasier crane essence i exude.
my mother is cursed with the same affliction--maybe it's our faces.
Carlin talks about dealing with stupid bullshit on the phone. i totally agree with him on his philosophy of what a phone call should be--i've always believed that the phone should be used for brief transmissions of important packets of information, not hours and hours of streaming inane verbal diarrhea pouring through the phone line(granted, i think and hope we've all had those fantastic hours-long yaps about nothing and everything in the early stages of the mating ritual).
Carlin demonstrated the 'jerking off' motion that people make while on the phone, bored by the annoying barrage of pointless, overly-dramatic trivial bullshit, a gesture i find myself doing far too often these days, as the vast majority of annoying stupid bullshit enters my life through the phone; for some reason, i've always had more difficulty shutting people down on the phone than in person.
i don't mind listening to peoples' dilemmas when it's something that will allow me to offer at least a point of view that may be helpful to them, but when it turns into nothing more than the spewing of a mundane sob-story involving people i don't know or care to know and situations to which i can't relate involving insignificant events, i lose all interest. if my setting wasn't stuck on kindness, i'd scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
i probably wouldn't have a voice at all by now.
yr job, yr coworkers, yr estranged husband's sister's kid's babysitter's grades, yr friend's potential girlfriend, a vacation yr in-laws took, one of yr clients' kids' first birthdays, yr ex-husband's ex-wife...it's all stupid bullshit and i don't care about it and yet i feel like i hear more of it than most people. perhaps i'm just one of the minority that realizes that it's all just stupid bullshit and is annoyed by it.
i don't blame them--it's not really their fault that they suck--most people suck, and lots of them are talkers. i blame myself for allowing myself to end up in this situation again and again--i recognize the signs, i know better every time, and yet i still find myself signing up to hear their stupid bullshit. there are lots of people that would rather blather on about how things are broken than fix them themselves, so they find someone kind enough to listen. they know that the kindness/weakness folks will usually try to help fix their problems(in hopes that it will make these annoying people go away), but it's just like feeding an animal--they keep coming back, this time pushing a bottomless wheelbarrow of broken things and non-issues to resolve.
needy, clingy, whiny, helpless, self-pity junkies that want to get you addicted to their woesmack, sit around getting wasted with you all day and walk in circles around the pile of problems they've dumped on yr living room floor.
just a rant.
i guess it's an example of my stupid bullshit.
i 'm glad to have an artist as my friend....thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!