So, I'm a loser, I'm okay with that, just thought I'd share.
Right now my hubby is working on re-modeling our house and I'm being useless and playing on the computer.
I realized today that I'm not one of the "cool kids". There are people ~on here and in real life~ that I want to be friends with but it's just not a good fit, it doesn't work, even when I start to get involved I still feel like I'm an outsider like I belong on the outside. There's going to be a gathering of SG members at a *fairly* local bar, I would like to go but know I would stand out and be uncomfortable. We'll see what I decide.
So to make myself feel better I just spent $ buying stuff I don't need from Amazon but I can justify it as being a book written by a friend that I want to have signed before I forget. Then I started uploading some of the pix from our girls weekend so I'll try to put a few of them on here too.
As for work, it's the same, I talked to Mr. Hottie a bit more, blushed like mad then he paid me a compliment and I blushed even more. He challenged me, I kicked his ass (I'm pretty sure he let me), there was some pointless banter, some more blushing, but I don't think I stammered at all. He's one of those guys that pays attention to details, noticed that I had my hair done different (I wasn't working, just picking up what I forgot the day before), that sort of stuff. It's nice, but also because it's safe, he knows I'm married and aside from his respecting that, he has a healthy dose of fear involving my hubby, don't know why. Sometimes...Usually it's like because I'm married I don't get noticed, much less complimented, it's a good change once in a while.
I'm putting the pics in with it
These are the Amur Leopards, their names are with their pics. Amur Leopards are among the smallest (in size) sub-species of Panthera pardus ~ scientific name P.p. orientalis. In other words these kids are A LOT smaller than the leopards I'm used to working with.
Right now my hubby is working on re-modeling our house and I'm being useless and playing on the computer.
I realized today that I'm not one of the "cool kids". There are people ~on here and in real life~ that I want to be friends with but it's just not a good fit, it doesn't work, even when I start to get involved I still feel like I'm an outsider like I belong on the outside. There's going to be a gathering of SG members at a *fairly* local bar, I would like to go but know I would stand out and be uncomfortable. We'll see what I decide.
So to make myself feel better I just spent $ buying stuff I don't need from Amazon but I can justify it as being a book written by a friend that I want to have signed before I forget. Then I started uploading some of the pix from our girls weekend so I'll try to put a few of them on here too.
As for work, it's the same, I talked to Mr. Hottie a bit more, blushed like mad then he paid me a compliment and I blushed even more. He challenged me, I kicked his ass (I'm pretty sure he let me), there was some pointless banter, some more blushing, but I don't think I stammered at all. He's one of those guys that pays attention to details, noticed that I had my hair done different (I wasn't working, just picking up what I forgot the day before), that sort of stuff. It's nice, but also because it's safe, he knows I'm married and aside from his respecting that, he has a healthy dose of fear involving my hubby, don't know why. Sometimes...Usually it's like because I'm married I don't get noticed, much less complimented, it's a good change once in a while.
I'm putting the pics in with it
These are the Amur Leopards, their names are with their pics. Amur Leopards are among the smallest (in size) sub-species of Panthera pardus ~ scientific name P.p. orientalis. In other words these kids are A LOT smaller than the leopards I'm used to working with.
Next is Kiki the cougar and the wolf pups. We call them pups because that's what they were when we started with them, they're not really pups anymore but oh well.
I have about twice that many more to share but figured I'd space them out since it always makes me smile and I might need that.
I'm stopping for now because I think that's enough, besides, dinner is ready.
Edited to add
So I just read thru it and realized that some of the pics got cut off a bit but not enough for me to worry about re-sizing them.
I don't consider anyone a Christian unless they actually are one. It takes more than the belief in Jesus as your savior to be a Christian. The official church cannons are pretty extensive on what else you need to do.
As I told Adrian I believe people like you to be the evolution of Christian faith past the term Christian and into new spiritual waters. Just as Jesus parted ways from official Judaic traditions so to do modern followers of God part from the traditional Christian faith.
Oh and to answer your other blog comment: No your constant happiness will never annoy me. I find that a quality more people should look into personifying.