So here's the big blog where I ponder about the future.
Michigan is slowly draining me to the point where I will be left with squat and no prospects. I apply to 5 or 6 jobs a week.. I search Craigslist and Hotjobs and Careerbuilder and do whatever I can. I'm either overqualified or I want too much money or I don't have enough schooling. It leaves me totally joblessly fucked. My only option right now is to take a minimum wage job and please, before you say "its better than nothing", understand that minimum wage will either leave me with no food or no electricity.. its barely enough for rent, its not enough to feed myself and Dryad and the dog and the cat and keep my phone on.. which one needs to have if you hope to find any kind of work.
My unemployment is about to run out, and I'm being hounded by bill collecters and one of my credit cards is in the midst of trying to sue me. So I'm going to have to declare bankruptcy.
I'm still on probation and I can't leave the state without ending up with a warrant, unless I bust out 162 hours of community service and pony up $440.
The state of michigan demands $50 a month just so I can keep my license.
Last months cold snap left me with a $150 heating bill.
My sister in North Carolina is willing to take us in.. and it seems like a good idea. But some of those things need to be done first.. I need to file bankruptcy so that the credit companies dont pillage my 401k.. I have to finish community service and probation costs, or risk getting shipped back to Michigan if I get in trouble anywhere else.. The price of a Uhaul & gas to NC.. which by my estimate is about $1000.
It looks like I have to pay one months more of rent to tie up loose ends, but that also cuts into my tax return money, which is the only thing getting us to NC. I'm going to have to walk out on my lease, fucking up my rent history.. and I'll end up leaving one month of gas & electric hangin too. The only solace there is that my credit cant get any worse. I don't know how much it costs to declare yourself bankrupt but it can't be cheap.
But my only other option is to stay here and let the world nickel and dime us until we are homeless.
I'm going to start slimming down our lives so no matter what its an easier move.. so keep an eye out, I'll let you know when you can get a sweet deal on a matching couch and love seat.. a comfy Lazy-Boy, a dining room and bar set, and a 1977 Ford Thunderbird (see attachments folder for pics of the car).
Unless in the next 45 days I'm offered an amazing job out of nowhere, that is. Stranger things have happened.
Michigan is slowly draining me to the point where I will be left with squat and no prospects. I apply to 5 or 6 jobs a week.. I search Craigslist and Hotjobs and Careerbuilder and do whatever I can. I'm either overqualified or I want too much money or I don't have enough schooling. It leaves me totally joblessly fucked. My only option right now is to take a minimum wage job and please, before you say "its better than nothing", understand that minimum wage will either leave me with no food or no electricity.. its barely enough for rent, its not enough to feed myself and Dryad and the dog and the cat and keep my phone on.. which one needs to have if you hope to find any kind of work.
My unemployment is about to run out, and I'm being hounded by bill collecters and one of my credit cards is in the midst of trying to sue me. So I'm going to have to declare bankruptcy.
I'm still on probation and I can't leave the state without ending up with a warrant, unless I bust out 162 hours of community service and pony up $440.
The state of michigan demands $50 a month just so I can keep my license.
Last months cold snap left me with a $150 heating bill.
My sister in North Carolina is willing to take us in.. and it seems like a good idea. But some of those things need to be done first.. I need to file bankruptcy so that the credit companies dont pillage my 401k.. I have to finish community service and probation costs, or risk getting shipped back to Michigan if I get in trouble anywhere else.. The price of a Uhaul & gas to NC.. which by my estimate is about $1000.
It looks like I have to pay one months more of rent to tie up loose ends, but that also cuts into my tax return money, which is the only thing getting us to NC. I'm going to have to walk out on my lease, fucking up my rent history.. and I'll end up leaving one month of gas & electric hangin too. The only solace there is that my credit cant get any worse. I don't know how much it costs to declare yourself bankrupt but it can't be cheap.
But my only other option is to stay here and let the world nickel and dime us until we are homeless.
I'm going to start slimming down our lives so no matter what its an easier move.. so keep an eye out, I'll let you know when you can get a sweet deal on a matching couch and love seat.. a comfy Lazy-Boy, a dining room and bar set, and a 1977 Ford Thunderbird (see attachments folder for pics of the car).
Unless in the next 45 days I'm offered an amazing job out of nowhere, that is. Stranger things have happened.
For the sake of all our souls I hope you are right!
Yeah between Abby being a goth hottie and Tony being the role model smartass i want to be its pretty killer.Figure ill hit FYE and get some used seasons.