Original blog:
So...have you ever felt like you were living in an episode of Seinfield????
That's kind of how my life feels lately, especially this last week or two.... Kind of like the last ten minutes of the Seinfield episode where all the little pieces of the storyline are all comin' together. You know what I'm talking about....I KNOW YOU DO!

Let me see if I can piece it all together...I've had about five bitch beers, so bare with me!

If you look up at my avatar line, you will see the words "Jewelz needs a new doctor, dammit!". That's where I'll begin on my saga, I think....My honey Flashmo and I moved to Southern Idaho over Labor Day weekend, and for the most part I really, really, really love it here. This place has had some kind of mystical, magical effect on me, and on our marriage....As that has been the best that its EVAR been, and we've been together for almost 17 years. *wow* Pocatello's been amazing in a lot of ways, some of which I've shared with you all already, and I'm really very glad that we came...don't get me wrong!
My one and only complaint? I can't find a freakin' doctor that will take care of "all" of my medical needs! I'm gonna be brave tonight, and lay some stuff out here about what those "medical needs" are...cuz I'm just finally feeling human tonight after almost two weeks of feeling totally like shit physically. I'm kind of a mess...period!! I've had a total of eight...count them eight...orthopedic surgeries on my knees, shoulders and hips over the last twenty years, to start. Oh, and in addition to the whole being "orthopedically challenged" thing, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1994, which was about ten years before it was hip to have it

OK, so back to my dilemna!
So...this new town that I live in is UBER CONSERVATIVE!! I just can't seem to find any one doctor that's willing to treat my chronic pain issues, the way that I'd been treated the last five years....Oh, and to watch my other medical conditions as well. I also have a super slow thyroid....which means that my thyroid is pretty much useless, in addition to needing other hormones to just feel human! So, I've been able to find someone who will write some narcotic pain meds for me, but the one medicine they will write that is strong enough is in a patch form that is leaving little scars all over my body...Oh, and get this! They won't write for my hormones, or for my thyroid medicine....

And....don't know if any of you have slow thyroids, or maybe who have to live with someone who has a slow thyroid, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I swear I wouldn't!! Between the physical slowing down of your whole entire body, and the problems with being able to remember simple things and formulate thoughts...it's really, really aggrivating to be out of your thyroid medication only to hear that your doctor thinks you ought to go to the urgent care next store to see a whole NEW doctor for that script! Srsly....I know I'm making light of this, but when I'm slow, I can't think straight, I can't speak straight, and I can't remember a fuckin' thing and it makes me feel so shitty to have someone say to me "We've talked about this like 100 times already" at a moment when I really, really can't remember ever having had the conversation before! Eventually, I will remember, and eventually I can tell you what I think...but I have to struggle for each and every word and each and every memory when my thyroid is running slow. I hate it! I feel so stupid when I can't even formulate my own thoughts properly...and the thing about it is that it can be completely controlled with a simple fuckin' hormone!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I digress.
I recently called my old doctor in Spokane out of desperation to see if he could see me.... he is like 600 miles away but I just don't know what else to do. I can't live this way anymore, I just can't! So, that left me trying to figure out how on earth am I'd be able to pull that off? I've really been giving the matter a great deal of consideration, and here's where the whole Seinfield thing starts to come together

We recently got notice from one of our credit card companies that they were jacking our rate up to just about Usary terms, cuz ONE payment was late in eight freakin' years with them!! I'm serious!! My honey was out of town on business, and we ended up with one payment late in eight years....and they want to jack the rate to 34.99%. I'm not talking about a 30 day past due....I'm talking about a few days kind of late.... So, I'm thinking, fuck that! It's high time to take advantage of the 100 offers for credit per week that we get due to the 740+FICO rating that we currently have....Anyway, before we move the balance to any of these new credit offers, we have approximately 35,000 miles to spend!! Not a chance that I'm giving them back 35,000 miles... so how, oh how can I spend some of those miles?????? Oh, I know... I can spend less than half of them and hop a flight to Washington state for a long weekend to see my old doctor, and then maybe, just maybe feel better!! All for free!!
Oh...and after the free miles are gone, there's the following options available to me:
I love the job I've been doing here so far... I work helping people find work for a living, and it can be a pretty cool and rewarding job. That being said... I recently interviewed for a promotion, and a titled position with the State....the kind of job where I have my own office instead of my own cubicle, and it looks like they want to make me an offer.... One of the conditions of employment would be that I travel from time to time doing participant education for the State retirement system for which I'd be employed. Well, guess where I'd be visiting for this job? I'd be heading to a town that's about a 20 minute drive from my old doctor's office, at least a few times a year!

And....of course there's always holidays with the relatives....and a few well-placed shooting trips that will put me driving by his very office just often enough that I think I can pull this off

I love being where I am...except for this, so wish me luck, and loves, K?
Just out of curiousity...anyone else dealing with slow thyroid or Fibromyalgia?
Much loves to you all....Jewelz
PS> Hope to have some more new pics soon, with my new hair....and my new piercings!!
PSS> Go check out my girl Juliett's set in hopefuls....she deserves a second chance to be PINK!! Go and give her some loves please

Damn..I really hope that you can get all your medical things taken care of
That's tough.....

hi ya red!!! yum!