8 Films to Sleep, er, Die For

From now on when something sounds too good to be true I'm going to believe that it is. My friend Justin (who I go to movies with) and I decided to go to the 8 Films to Die For festival Saturday night. We are both horror movie junkies and the hype surrounding this fest was nothing short of...
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I actually don't mind the taste of diet coke and I really dont care for the taste of regular coke... its too sweet. I actually found that diet rootbeer tastes really good smile
a friend from florida, was showing pics to people in the comic book group tongue
Meeting Friends From SG

Ok, so apparently my new profile pic is THAT scary that I only received one comment yesterday biggrin And thanks to that one comment by JennyNicole who called me "adorable," I can now face the world again biggrin

I just had dinner with the absolutely lovely and fabulous faeriecatofdoom! I must bow down to her and become her ever-attentive student, for she...
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either way, but i want to do something today. im bored, lol.
so, you gonna come to prov tonight? tongue
Yay For Non-Happy Birthday Messages!

Thank you all for the great non-Happy Birthday messages! You have all given me ideas for non-Happy Thanksgiving and non-Merry Christmas wishes biggrin Oh, the Walmart greeters are going to love me this year!

Overall, yesterday sucked ass. But perhaps that's just because I wasn't able to sit home and do nothing all day frown Not that I usually participate in a...
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great new pic. You're adorable.
A Birthday Message From Gamma

Yes, today is my birthday, and as I sit here eating birthday cake for breakfast and watching the Today show, I have to ponder what stupidity I'm in store for in this next year of my life. The Today show ran a story about Walmart putting the "Christmas" back in the holidays. Now it's true that I thought the story...
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Happy Birthday! and um.... Happy... ummm... Happy Kitty Feet Day tongue
Happy Cake for Breakfast Day...
The Usual Ranting, Plus My Future Non-Milestone Birthday Celebration

Normally, people make me insane with their stupidity. But now they've gone just a little too far over the edge. I was watching the Today show yesterday morning, and they were running this story about cars that are not equipped with safety devices that prohibit someone from shifting a car into gear without first putting their...
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Which movies are you going to see? There are quite a few playing. Me and Justin can probably make it to at least one. smile
let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday. let me know if you interested and i'll give you a massage for free for your birthday.
Wow I haven't posted in a long time! I've been super busy...this semester is kicking my ass. I have waaaaaaay too much writing to do and not enough time to do it. I'm also stressing about a job after I get out. Ugg...when will the stress end? Hope all is well with all of you kiss
yeah girl i was in the woods for a while, then i've broken my foot and have been sidelined. i've only got computer access when people will drive me to it. so i eat it up while i can. 24 more hours and lots of naked girls. yay!
its a video game for PS2, kinda of like DDR but with a guitar shaped controller, i can pretend I paid attention i music class biggrin
Gyno Update and An Embarrassing Confession

So as I've stated previously I was expecting incompetence at the gyno office and incompetence is what I got! So glad I wasn't disappointed! I told the nurse practitioner about my "condition" and she had to look it up in her diagnosis book, THEN when I tell her I'm there to resolve this problem she says, "Oh, I'm supposed...
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lol yea i got the w/d hook ups baby
I'm doing ok... confused as always. I'm still here in Lancaster, will be leaving tomorrow (Tuesday). I'm really not sure what I'm doing with my life right now. Its all so confusing.

We definitely need to have a lengthy chat or email/private message exchange soon.

miss you kiss
That Yearly Visit That Every Girl Looks Forward To!

I thought I would entertain you with my thoughts on that dreaded yearly exam...you know the one I'm referring to, girls...the GYNO!!!!

I've had bad experiences with this exam for as long as I can remember. Not bad in the sense of walking out of the office bleeding and in tears, no I'm talking about MISDIAGNOSIS!...
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Ah hA! So you DID get the zombie-cervical cancer check postcard I sent!!!! hee hee

Yes I too have had crying jags after problematic GYN services. I go to Planned Parenthood in Spfld for my gidde'up stirrup rides myself, and so far they haven't been bad. And if you're speaking of PCOS as your condition, you've got a fellow insane ovary this way!

So, by the way, I am an ass. I totally meant to send you a donation for the Walk for Animals and I flaked. Be assured, my cats gave me a stern talking to, and K's cat, Hunter, slapped me with the pimp hand paw. K & I are actually doing the Spfld walk for breast cancer awareness (good God lady: did you REALLY think I would make it 3 days from Boston???!!!) at the end of the month. I thank you for your walk on behalf of the five (yes I'm insane) cats in my household, all rescued or from shelters.

I hope all is going well in the BIG TEST study countdown. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you just want to get together and have coffee and/or pester bonfirecollapse or zode at their respective bar tending gigs. I hope you still have my phone number! I don't know when I'll be on SG again (hopefully soon), but I'll want to hear what you thought of the MTEL!

BTW, Spfld has good health insurance! We still need a replacement for the retiring English teacher in January! smile
Hey I looked for you at the Texas Roadhouse... I guess you couldn't make it... it's ok... we will definately figure out another night to hang out and do something smile

we could always go for coffee or something smile
I'm becoming numb. And the more I deal with people, the more misanthropic I become. Is it so much to ask for a little respect from people? I'm a very generous people, not to mention I take a lot of shit. So why is it that when I feel the need to speak my mind people get mad at me? Maybe I should just be...
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I feel like people don't pay attention to what I'm saying alot of times. I know exactly what you mean. I get it at work alot and with people that say that they are my friends.

as for the pictures. I would love it so I could hand out pictures of me and Justin for christmas but I wouldn't be able to pay you all that much for them. If you want me and Justin are going to be going out on his birthday this upcoming wednesday. You are more than welcome to join us. smile I believe we are going to the Texas Roadhouse. I think its in East Longmeadow but I'm not sure but I could find out for you. We are, or at least Justin is, going to the Suicide Girls show in North Hampton on tuesday. All else fails if I can't afford to get the pictures done now we could always do them after Christmas so I could give you proper pay for them. Just let me know.
I didn't have power for 12 hours today. It snowed today but only a few wet heavy inches that melted in the sunlight after a few hours. Crissy's family is snowed in with no power though. THeir power went out Thursday night and the electric company is saying it could be until Tuesday until they get any power back. Freakin weird isn't it?

Anyways.. I"m feeling a life crisis coming on lately. I am sure of nothing in my life anymore. I'm only 20 and it shouldn't feel like a big deal, I shouldn't feel so trapped, but I do. I'm too rational and logical for my own good sometimes. I want you to graduate so we can talk again frown Miss you.
A Very Brief Update for Your Reading Pleasure

I have some pictures from the Walk for the Animals that I will be posting soon. Walter and I had a blast! We made friends with all kinds of dogs and our dogs were thrilled with all the attention. This year's walk raised a total of $40,000 for the MSPCA so it was definitely a success.

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Hey hun.. I"m at Aj's right now. All is well. I'll fill ya in later.

MIss ya!
O. M. G. we neeeeeeeed to chat. I've gotta get ready for school and work right now, but soon we definitely need to talk. Its neccessary.
Time is Running Out for The Walk for the Animals!

My sincerest thanks goes out to Shantak who kindly donated to me for the walk! It's less than 2 weeks until the walk so if you would like to support the MSPCA (and me and my doggies!) then please visit my page and donate. As I've said before, no donation is too small...the MSPCA appreciates...
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Things are ok. I don't feel like me really. I don't know what me is though, so I just continue on.
Oh Crap.....i'm so sorry. i never pledged any money. i had to wait until all my bills were paid and then i was going to but i was busy last week and totally forgot. i hope it went well and you reached your goal. i'll donate some money straight to the MSPCA in your name.
MSPCA Walk for the Animals - Sunday, September 10th!

So this is my plea to all of you bleeding-heart animal lovers out there! I am participating in the MSPCA Walk for the Animals in Springfield on September 10th, and have a base goal of $100 to raise. If you love animals as much as I do, and I know some of you do, please consider...
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Hey, message me your address (or call) and I'll send you a check. As a furry baby momma myself, I am very thankful you are doing this walk. Oh, but come Oct, remember me: bonfirecollapse and I are doing the walk for breast cancer and will need some pledges!!!

actually, I would donate if there was a way for non-US residents...