Is it just me, or does the Bloom CD seem a little.. BritPop? Not that I mind that; I haven't made up any real decisions of it yet, it seems okay, but it seems to be... not entirely hard-rocking-trio is all.
It was rather slovenly man. I totally puked all over the bar . . . if they didn't know me so well at that place there would have been no way to avoid being kicked out.
maaan, I can't wait to move outta California to VA, you cats look like a bunch of fun, I'll invite you to my hauswarming after I get my Tiki bar, I make rad martinis and can drink y'all under the table.
I so solly- I just conquered it- with many vitamins including C and lots of Mint/Chamomile tea with lemon and honey. If you have a gym membership, run a mile, sweat a lot and then drink a quart of water while in a sauna for about 15minutes. I did this and felt fine daily throughout the sickness, it cleared out my respritory system till the next day. Keep your feet warm too.
I'm allready going into family overload.
sorry I missed you guys monday, just so much going on lately, I needed some rest.
have a good holiday anyway!
[Edited on Feb 16, 2004 10:22AM]