I spent all day yesterday cleaning and organizing years of crap that I got sick of looking at. Today, i will do my laundry. Hopefully, that won't take all day!
Feel free to clean and organize my place next wink wink
Hey stranger. smile
Happy Easter!
I have to be honest, I kinda felt the same way.
I could have been there forever trying to finish things up but instead I had to put myself first.
Hope you had a great Easter!
I don't mind a light sprinkling of snow, the kind that's just enough to cover the grass and leave footprints as you walk through it. Once we get over 6 inches, it's just a pain in the ass. And it's not that I really mind large amounts of snowfall, but what happens when we get it. The snow wouldn't be as bad if the town...
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Fuckers indeed. smile
Yesterday morning, not too far from where I am sitting right now, one deranged individual decided to make himself infamous by killing 6 adults and 20 children before taking his own life. My cousin is a teacher in the Newtown school district, but she does not work at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. She was friends with the heroic principal, Dawn Hochsprung. According to what...
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I love the warm weather...I haven't worn any clothes since Friday!
Hello smile So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!
I'm going to start my laundry early this weekend...no, really, I am.
The downside of not doing anything on Saturday is that you have to do everything on Sunday...laundry time!!!
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, safe, and successful new year, unless you try to do harm to others. Then, I hope you fail miserably, and get hurt in the process. Happy New Year!!!
Same to you!
I ate waaaaaaaaaay too much this past weekend. I think I'll be eating salads for the next day or so.
Me too!