I love how your imagination can take you to the most incredible places that you can visit whenever your heart desires. If I had it my way every animal would run free, clothing would be optional, everyone would barder and live as a community, electricity would shut off for an hour a day, and everyone would have a sense of humor.
To me, this is my most special set thus far. I feel like it portrays who i truly am inside and out. I wanted these pics to speak to people through color and honesty and playful smiles. Color has amazing healing powers... as does a naked women!
I want to truly thank every indevidual who takes a moment from this hectic world to visit me in my SG set.
I am also sending you all happy hippy vibes......I pray that you smiling rite now, that you will laugh until your tummy hurts everyday, colors around you will be enhanced, you will have the best orgasms, and you will spread happy hippy love to others. Trust me...you don't need to be on drugs to do these things!!!! But a dubey would help.

Thank you Bobby Deal (new Sg photographer of awesomeness) for for your creativity, and kind spirit.