so our sexy friend @louiseethel is just 6 (follow) clicks away from making some lucky person's life uniquely better; who are we to uphold that process? sure, my luck is rotten and it won't be ME but that makes THIS effort all the much more effective, does it not?

you're too cute, thanks dear<3 one more ! XOs

I'm a little surprised nobody (to my knowledge) has either shot a set with Snapchat or made one to look like it was shot with Snapchat and added said filters

Could be cute but they ask not to modify the pics too much...
valid point; i wonder how they'd deal with just adding that number to the corner like when you screenshot a timed offering?

hey, pardon my suggestion here but if you've got a moment and enjoy hot stuff you should stop by and check out this fine addition by the lovely @unicornia I really quite doubt you'll be sorry you did!
