Should I be lusting after Angelica Huston, a woman thats almost twice my age? I dont know if its a holdover from when she used to glide across the room as Morticia Addams but she is wicked sexy. Plus now that she is an intimate part of the Wes Anderson oeuvre it makes her even sexier. She has a serious lock on the loving ice queen in films which she continues as the estranged wife of Bill Murrays lead character in The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.
Check out the website for The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
Daniel Robert Epstein: What is your favorite moment from working with Bill Murray?
Angelica Huston: Its my theory that 90 percent of acting is the other actor. Every moment with Bill is great. I really like working with him. Hes one of those actors who raises the stakes. Hes fast on his feet and that might come from his comedy history. Hes sharp, insolent, melancholic and completely charming. I have a huge crush on him.
DRE: Did you improvise with Bill at all?
AH: With Wes we dont go off script so there is no improv. Part of the beauty of working with Wes is that since its a very subtle process it looks like improv. When you hit the little things right it makes the whole picture.
DRE: Is there any room in a Wes Anderson film for input from the actors on their characters?
AH: Oh absolutely. He involves the actors in a very detailed way. What they contribute is a matter of working together on it. Although there isnt a lot of discussion, its just achieved.
DRE: Did you have a script before you agreed to do the film?
AH: I not only had a script but I had a very detailed shot list. Also Wes draws out all the scenes so I had a very good idea of how the film would look.
DRE: Youve worked with a number of auteur directors including your father and many call Wes an auteur. Have you noticed any similarities between them?
AH: I see that these directors dont really consort. The great directors that I know always stand a little apart from their cast. Wes is a social guy but he takes his time and hes incredibly well prepared. He also has a very definite idea of what he wants. He doesnt ever give a line reading but if hes not getting what he wants you can plan on staying there until he does. I remember doing 20 takes on something that I thought would be a breeze.
Also I dont think Wes films are like anyone elses. They might reference a lot of films like my fathers Beat the Devil to [Fellinis] 8 but I dont know anyone who makes films like Wes.
DRE: Bill mentioned that the film was very difficult for him. Did you experience that at all?
AH: I think it was particularly grueling for him because he was out at sea in December wearing a Speedo. It wasnt so hard for me. I had the luxury of staying in Hennesseys villa. For me the most grueling part of the whole process was the hair extensions and the contact lenses. I know that sounds factitious but I wasnt prepared for the endless hair extensions being glued to my head.
DRE: Are you actually smarter than everyone else, like your character?
AH: Yes, smarter than all of them put together.
DRE: How has it been becoming part of the Wes Anderson cult?
AH: We all like to be recognized and appreciated. I think once you realize you are somebodys taste you will work all the harder for them. I think at this point I would do anything for Wes.
DRE: Did your husband [Robert Graham] appear in Life Aquatic?
AH: Bob was in the party scene at the beginning playing a general. Hes a Mexican sculptor but he came up with the idea of being a Mexican general with Wes. He was very interested in carrying a Glock. He was outraged that he didnt get a close-up. The next time he should have his own trailer because he leaves his clothes everywhere inside mine.
DRE: You mentioned that you have a crush on Bill, who else did you have a crush on when you were younger?
AH: I wasnt very selective. All four Beatles.
DRE: Even Ringo?
AH: Yes even Ringo.
DRE: Youve been in a number of dark comedies like The Addams Family, Prizzis Honor and now this. Also you are wearing all black today.
AH: Charcoal grey [laughs].
DRE: Do those films reflect your sense of humor?
AH: I guess thats where my taste runs. I like tongue in cheek humor. Its more attractive to me than broad humor. When Nic Roeg, Paul Mazursky, Woody Allen and Stephen Frears ask me to work with them, I immediately respond.
DRE: Do you need much direction on how to play the humor?
AH: I like good writing so there is nothing else like it to support an actor.
DRE: Have you started writing your autobiography yet?
AH: Occasionally I take notes. I tried to keep a diary on Life Aquatic. I succeeded part of the time but its hard. A lot of the time when youre working on a movie youre tired so you forget stuff.
DRE: How was working with Terry Zwigoff and Daniel Clowes on Art School Confidential?
AH: I liked Ghost World a lot so I very much wanted to work with them and I ended up having the best time. I was only on the movie for about a week but I was so pleasantly surprised. Initially I didnt get the character so I asked to meet the writer and Terry at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles. I felt like I wasnt explaining myself very well and then they sent me the new pages and I guess I explained myself extremely well because the scenes were very much improved. I had the best time. I think [the star] Max Minghella is really lovely and Terry was a great surprise.
DRE: Did Daniel Clowes pass you any of his comic books?
AH: No.
DRE: What are you doing next?
AH: Im going to go back to LA to edit a movie I directed called Riding The Bus With My Sister. I made it for the Hallmark Hall of Fame to air on CBS. Its about a mentally challenged girl, played by Rosie ODonnell, who rides the bus all day long in Reading Pennsylvania.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
SG Username: AndersWolleck
Check out the website for The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
Daniel Robert Epstein: What is your favorite moment from working with Bill Murray?
Angelica Huston: Its my theory that 90 percent of acting is the other actor. Every moment with Bill is great. I really like working with him. Hes one of those actors who raises the stakes. Hes fast on his feet and that might come from his comedy history. Hes sharp, insolent, melancholic and completely charming. I have a huge crush on him.
DRE: Did you improvise with Bill at all?
AH: With Wes we dont go off script so there is no improv. Part of the beauty of working with Wes is that since its a very subtle process it looks like improv. When you hit the little things right it makes the whole picture.
DRE: Is there any room in a Wes Anderson film for input from the actors on their characters?
AH: Oh absolutely. He involves the actors in a very detailed way. What they contribute is a matter of working together on it. Although there isnt a lot of discussion, its just achieved.
DRE: Did you have a script before you agreed to do the film?
AH: I not only had a script but I had a very detailed shot list. Also Wes draws out all the scenes so I had a very good idea of how the film would look.
DRE: Youve worked with a number of auteur directors including your father and many call Wes an auteur. Have you noticed any similarities between them?
AH: I see that these directors dont really consort. The great directors that I know always stand a little apart from their cast. Wes is a social guy but he takes his time and hes incredibly well prepared. He also has a very definite idea of what he wants. He doesnt ever give a line reading but if hes not getting what he wants you can plan on staying there until he does. I remember doing 20 takes on something that I thought would be a breeze.
Also I dont think Wes films are like anyone elses. They might reference a lot of films like my fathers Beat the Devil to [Fellinis] 8 but I dont know anyone who makes films like Wes.
DRE: Bill mentioned that the film was very difficult for him. Did you experience that at all?
AH: I think it was particularly grueling for him because he was out at sea in December wearing a Speedo. It wasnt so hard for me. I had the luxury of staying in Hennesseys villa. For me the most grueling part of the whole process was the hair extensions and the contact lenses. I know that sounds factitious but I wasnt prepared for the endless hair extensions being glued to my head.
DRE: Are you actually smarter than everyone else, like your character?
AH: Yes, smarter than all of them put together.
DRE: How has it been becoming part of the Wes Anderson cult?
AH: We all like to be recognized and appreciated. I think once you realize you are somebodys taste you will work all the harder for them. I think at this point I would do anything for Wes.
DRE: Did your husband [Robert Graham] appear in Life Aquatic?
AH: Bob was in the party scene at the beginning playing a general. Hes a Mexican sculptor but he came up with the idea of being a Mexican general with Wes. He was very interested in carrying a Glock. He was outraged that he didnt get a close-up. The next time he should have his own trailer because he leaves his clothes everywhere inside mine.
DRE: You mentioned that you have a crush on Bill, who else did you have a crush on when you were younger?
AH: I wasnt very selective. All four Beatles.
DRE: Even Ringo?
AH: Yes even Ringo.
DRE: Youve been in a number of dark comedies like The Addams Family, Prizzis Honor and now this. Also you are wearing all black today.
AH: Charcoal grey [laughs].
DRE: Do those films reflect your sense of humor?
AH: I guess thats where my taste runs. I like tongue in cheek humor. Its more attractive to me than broad humor. When Nic Roeg, Paul Mazursky, Woody Allen and Stephen Frears ask me to work with them, I immediately respond.
DRE: Do you need much direction on how to play the humor?
AH: I like good writing so there is nothing else like it to support an actor.
DRE: Have you started writing your autobiography yet?
AH: Occasionally I take notes. I tried to keep a diary on Life Aquatic. I succeeded part of the time but its hard. A lot of the time when youre working on a movie youre tired so you forget stuff.
DRE: How was working with Terry Zwigoff and Daniel Clowes on Art School Confidential?
AH: I liked Ghost World a lot so I very much wanted to work with them and I ended up having the best time. I was only on the movie for about a week but I was so pleasantly surprised. Initially I didnt get the character so I asked to meet the writer and Terry at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles. I felt like I wasnt explaining myself very well and then they sent me the new pages and I guess I explained myself extremely well because the scenes were very much improved. I had the best time. I think [the star] Max Minghella is really lovely and Terry was a great surprise.
DRE: Did Daniel Clowes pass you any of his comic books?
AH: No.
DRE: What are you doing next?
AH: Im going to go back to LA to edit a movie I directed called Riding The Bus With My Sister. I made it for the Hallmark Hall of Fame to air on CBS. Its about a mentally challenged girl, played by Rosie ODonnell, who rides the bus all day long in Reading Pennsylvania.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
SG Username: AndersWolleck
I love and admire so much Angelica Houston! She's a fantastic actress! She rocks!!!!

She gets better and better. Love her so much!