"One God to glorify,
The one who created you to be loved,
One Jesus Christ to follow,
His blood to accept,
Implore to the Mother Virgin,
Honor the Saints and the Angels,
One soul to be saved,
One BODY to be mortified,
One conscience to be examined,
Atonement for SINS,
Virtudes to practice,
A paradise to be won,
A HELL to be avoided,
One eternity to meditate about,
Employ your time well,
Edify one another,
A World to despise,
DEMONS to fight,
Dominate your DESIRES,
And perhaps suffer DEATH,
Be judged,
By the God of justice,
For an eternity,
The great adventurer, oh happiness!
The disgraced, oh DESDICHA!
Devoted Christian,
Think good of him."