From xsntt


Thank you so much for commenting on my blog post.  I very much appreciate it...I wasn't too clear on why all the drama sprang up about that particular post, but I am grateful you read it and supported it.

Thanks so much, Spica!  I'm glad we can recognize the old SG spirit in each other!  You are so right about the social media crap too!  Oddly it just makes talking to others that much less possible -which is ironic, isn't it?   -Well, I have an incredibly beautiful and intimidatingly talented new girlfriend and I don't think I need Suicide Girls any more.  If it was a community like it used to be then maybe (like with my last girlfriend), but my new girlfriend is seriously as hot as any Suicide Girl on here, and twice as talented.  She is a professional artist and an unbelievable chef.  She also rode her bike (not motorcycle, bike) to California from Florida via Boston. She is in crazy good shape.  Maybe me leaving here was meant to be!  Otherwise I might have been too worried about some stupid Dot drama to meet the love of my life! Anyway, best of luck to all of you who keep the old spirit!  Adios, Spica, and I wish you well!
All the best to you (even though you seem yo have it already)!