$5.00 Tip From dogboytq


Something about this set I dig.

$2.00 Tip From konjoe


you are perfection

$10.00 Tip From sgwatchdog


You’re pure perfection. That body....omg

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$3.00 Tip From Anonymous


$10.00 Tip From mustadio


Another amazing set! Always happy to see something new from you =)

$1.00 Tip From Anonymous



Hi Plum! I just discovered your pics : I'm hard from the first one!!! You are so beautiful. I looked at every pic you've done since 2011 on this site. WOW! I'm glad you get back to complete shaving of your pussy. Your vulva is perfect (as all your body) and it has to be seen entirely by the most people possible. You are so cute, you should never wear any clothes… Thanks! XOX

This is a rather strange comment not really suitable for the sg community......


Many a man wish to have you

But your wild heart can not be contained

You are not to be captured and won 

But cherished and adored 

$3.00 Tip From Anonymous


$5.00 Tip From Anonymous


From lewolf


 இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ ~☾♥ HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY... WITH LOVE!!! ♥☽~ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ