Maybe for some SG are only two acronyms, two more letters of the alphabet, but for me it's much more than that. I always feel an indescribable emotion when a new contest with a theme is proposed. My body starts to feel an eagerness to start creating, to plan each step to give the best of me, and this last contest is very special. As I said at the beginning, SG means a lot to me. I remember a little Mei going to Cybercafes (Internet Cafe) to search information and see those women who inspired her so much and taught her that she could be and do whatever she wanted. Those women who weren't afraid to showed themselves as they were, their beauty, their energy, their strength, their beautiful tattoos, who showed to little Mei that she could do the same, that she had nothing to fear. SG is more than two acronyms... SG is a world I have the lucky to belong to, when for so many years it was just a thought, a dream.This book is a great treasure to me, the most precious treasure. In its pages I was able to meet many of the women who are part of SG. Whenever I look at it I see myself imitating poses as if I myself were part of its pages. And despite the fact that there is still a long way to go, that little Mei is proud to see where I am today. That little Mei is happy to belong to this community. SG is more than two acronyms, than two letters of the alphabet, SG is family, containment, a place where I can be myself.