Ok, finished my orientation for college today. Pretty boring actually, but they did feed us first and now i know how to schedule my classes online. It's a good start, though. I am looking forward to it. I've put my education off for too long. Changed my major to Elecrtical Engineering. The roster for that major is really busy, 16 or more credits a semester!...
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Lafayette, huh. Are yer close enough to the decadence of New Ohhhhlans, eh?

I just moved to Baja.


I am saying hi because you know Joey joe joe joe...and so do I. I am a virgo too.

Your profile is intriguing. I think we may find things to talk about.


Well, I am online every now again. Drop me a message if you want to.

Oh yeah.

And I need a job. Not that that concerns you but I felt like bitching.

HeH. Well, I am off.

Later dewd.

Dani McFly. ARRR!!!
Hello. Joey told me to come visit you, since he knows I am going to LA soon. My bf and I are gonna head out there in two weeks, for vacation. Were not really planning much, were just gonna get in my truck and go. We want to stop in Lafayette and possibly Avery Island. You got any suggestions?
I can totally relate to the orientation thing. I will total about two weeks orientation at my new job.
Ok, I finally got most of my profile together. So I can spend the rest of the day surfing this site while I bum around in this Cafe'. Mental note: do not drink dark roast coffee for extended periods of time.
Man, I love this wireless internet! Now you too can surf the internet from the comfort of your local cafe with fresh roast at...
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read your post in ER group...

it is nice to "know"... and Rinpoche(s) are most magickal people.... being in their presence is soo humbling.