Happy fucking easter

so lets see....i havent updated in awhile.....nothing much really new is going on. im supposed to get my feet tattooed in a few weeks by my boy christian. when my conservative christian sister found out, whose wedding im in in june, she freaked the fuck out. asking me if i was trying to ruin her wedding. she said, as it is the...
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your new set is great!
i over slep today. instead of getting to work at 7, my ass woke up at 7:07......now im a lil off today. i hate when that happens.
my cable and internet get hooked up today. words can not express just how fucking excited i am. i am a major internet whore and its been killing me not having it for the past week.

i have...
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I accidentally did that on stupid daylight savings time -blah!
its fucking snowing......i am pissed. i am over winter, I WANT SPRING!!!
so far today is pretty good. i got to have a 7am morning phone chat with a boy who is currently one of my favs, true story. i love how he was just getting ready to go bed and i had just gotten to work.
so i was useing the bathroom this morning...
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its official. i love my job. yes it sucks that i have to wake up at 530, yes it sucks that my step brother is my boss because hes probably the biggest tool i know. but i now have my own office (after 6 months) i finally got a raise, i wear what the fuck i want to work, i get to smoke in my...
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whatcho doin'?
That's so early!
so today is my first day working full time at my job, 7-3, which means my lazy ass has to get up at 530 (since i have to take a shower in order to wake up....that may change though)good thing i got drunk last night and didnt get off the phone till 130am.......atleast my coffee has kicked in so now im pretty amped

that is...
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thank you for commenting on my set! biggrin
and welcome!
ok, so heres my opinion..... i think its wicked lame when ex's lie to eachother about who they are currently dating. grow up....our relationship was a joke anyways, why would i care that you got back with the skanky bitch you left for me??? oh wait i dont.....what i care about is the fact that we are supposed to be "friends" and you lie to...
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so my move went well. however, im spending the night at my moms!! i got everything moved in but im missing a kitchen sink.....its getting put in tomorrow at 8. yeah, like my ass is gunna get up at 8 on a saturday morning......prolly not.
so im busy downloading songs tonight from my moms computer so i can burn some kick ass cds with themes........
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so i know i should be tired right now...but im not. i know i should head to bed..... but im no where near that point. i cant stop thinking.....its this lil problem i have. i have come to realize that i am a big gambler in life. i put myself in these situations where i can either win big or lose everything. i like this...
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where are you moving to?

and yes...boys are LAME.....or, rather, that thing that stands in the way of perfection is lame.

miss you, slutface
i'm sitting here at work and i am fucking starving! i really want to go down the street and get some breakfast but im a lil too lazy at the moment........i'm giving myself 15 more minutes to motivate myself cuz i can hear the homefries and bacon calling my name!

i stayed up way too late drinking beer and talking online last night....my ass is...
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welcome pretty ! kiss

so this is offically my first journal entry.... woo-hoo!

as i sit here and write this i should be packing. im moving on friday and only have half my shit packed.....oh well, guess its another "throw and go" move. plus, i havent quite figured out how i'm gunna move.....my suv holds a lot but wont fit my furniture. plus, i have no nice strong men...
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Welcome to the site, lovely!
welcome here!