Bite my lip, pull my hair, and hold me down. Make me moan, and don't stop till I'm shaking...💋 ________________________________________ "The Sweetest Drop-By Peter Murphy." Roll yourself away from me; unveil me from your layers. Lay with me.. Let me plunder, - no betrayal. Shame cast out. Morning sensual fire aroused.. Union upon union. In union we'll flower. Sail naked in our funder; press towards the burst. Drop the sweetest drop. Give the thunder up; rocking to the top. Sensor none the shame; cling no more to shame. Ring me in the morning. Take me, take me, in the rain... Oh come with me, eh come with me, concur and swallow me. Explode secrete your tender; let's scream out like the sea. Pull me warm and slender.. Concur and swallow me. Explode secrete your tender; let's scream out like the sea. Union upon union. Drop the sweetest drop. I think about you all day... Calling the sacred first; rolling sunlit day. Give me what I thirst. Drop the sweetest drop. Give the thunder up; rocking to the top. Sensor none the shame; cling no more to shame. Ring me in the morning. Take me, take me in the rain... Oh come with me. Yeah, come with me... Concur and swallow me. Explode secrete your tender; let's scream out like the sea. Roll yourself away.. Immortal burn alive; rocking to the top. Sensor none the shame; cling no more to shame. Ring me in the morning. Take me, take me, in the rain.. Oh come with me, oh! Come with me... Concur and swallow me. Explode secrete your tender; let's scream out like the sea.. ________________________________________ "Consume me, every drop... every last drop."-NTRKRS