Happy Valentine's Day! I hope Cupid brought you something special and didn't actually bring you VD

Anywho's If you didn't think that was funny... I'll make it up to you right MEOW!

In other news I have been busy as a bee! Working quite a bit at Sassy's Bar & Grill! I love Sassys! I love Sassys so much I am breaking up with the Acrop! That's right after 3 years tonight is my last shift at Acropolis Steakhouse+! I couldn't be happier! So if you're not busy tonight come out one last time for Steak & legs 9-Close! Friday and Saturday night 9-Close I will be celebrating at my only club Sassys!
Besides working the 1-5th Selene & I hopped on a plane to attend the Las Vegas Shootfest! It was EPIC! SuicideGirl Shootfests always are though! Spending time with some of the hottest alternative women on the planet is always 5 gold stars in my book! Some serious memories were made and seeing old friends/making new friends was really what I needed! I am so blessed to work for such an amazing company like SuicideGirls. SG has given me opportunities of a lifetime!

I shot some stuff

A set with Sawa

A set with CDO

Pictures with DylanBorgman

Powderpuff Pinups stuff with my favorite Sunshine
(Will be posted in next blog!)
Stay tuned for the next blog and the rest of the photos including the topless party photos!

If you cannot wait and need to see more photos now check out instagram hashtag #lvshootfest
Besides the shootfest fun in other Naked News I am Naked in Member Review Again!
Toxic-Wet shot by DylanBorgman is now up for you're viewing pleasure!

I cannot believe all the amazing comments and support is has recieved so far! Thank you all so much x's a bazillion! I mean up for only 24 HOURS and 850 comments 98%! You all have made me so happy!

I also want to thank you for your continued love and support on Satisfaction Redefined

Shot by Sunshine
Over 1,700 comments and 98% loved! Again Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
As of February 7th I have been a member of Suicidegirls.Com for 6 years. Next month marks my 5 year anniversary of being an official SG. I would really love to have another set live before then. So please keep loving all my sets!
Besides "Wet" & "Satisfaction Redefined" I have
^ eeee More details next blog!
This weekend I am getting tattooed ! Yay! I may be busy for a bit... I have upcoming photo shoots and hopefully lots of traveling in the near future! Please don't fret if it takes me a minute to reply to your comment or PM I, AM VERY BUY WOMAN! If you're missing me
MY Album of ass
More pictures?
My Facebook!!
You can also add my personal FB T.j. Soundwave
Be Well Dirty Birdies and the happiest of VDay for you all
xoxo your, Toxy
Check out these amazing sets in Member Review! You won't regret it!