<div class="legacy-text">AHHH! Milk!!! <br /><br />So .. anyone who knows me even just a little bit can tell you that I've always had a terrible milk phobia (I'll use it when i cook occassionally, but it has to be JUST bought and it's kinda rare). I've just always been a little scared of it. I'm scared of it going bad and nasty. I'm the only one I've ever met who was scared of milk. Oh well.<br /><br />Anyways .. Scott came up with the brilliant idea for this shoot and I was a little hesitant at first because, well, milk .. but .. I figured it was a big step for me .. and probably a good thing.<br /><br />Anyways .. so glad I decided to do it. This was by far my favorite shoot ever. I had such a blast. Scott put a lot of work into it (I helped him towards the end .. labeling all his milk bottles he made) and so I give him major props. He kicks ass. <br /><br />Hope you guys like this set as much as I do!!</div>