its been a really good summer so far, even tho its bit a biiiiiit too hot here in north hollywood. about 97 today, AC on blast for the past couple weeks. saturday is my birthday and always I'm going to diiiiisneeeylaaaand :D except I'm doing disney tomorrow cause i don't like going on saturdays and sundays. trying to avoid spending half the day in lines...
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had a fun dinner at vegan restaurant Au Lac in downtown LA saturday night with @exning, @jennings and a whole slew of babelicous ladies that i couldn't fit in one pic hah. so great seeing all of you! @ecco, @lyxzen, @ackley, @sirius_ <3 hope i get to see you guys at the vegan food street fair this weekend!

thanks everyone who liked my new set and left comments!! <3
the weekend is off to a good start :) last night i went to a birthday dinner for a friend and then an artshow in hollywood where i ran into pretty lady @moxy <3 hopefully the rest of the weekend is just as exciting and boob grabbing :)))
Sip Of Summer
SG Set
by agueda zarate

my new set is going up tonight! if you guys like it and want to follow me on instagram, its mariexvx :) <3 xoxo

only one week and two days till my new set goes up in member review :D yay!
heading to a movie screening thingie with my room mate in a bit to see "aztec warrior". i couldn't find a preview for it but i guess they haven't made one yet. it stars terry crews and he's rad so hopefully its funny.
its about 70 out today...
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so christmas and new years were both super great. christmas was filled with way too much food, awesome presents, skyping with my parents and watching christmas movies. for new years my babe Joey and i went to a 1920s themed club which was fantastic. everyone was so perfectly dressed and the music was great. we danced, i drank a ton of pineapple juice ( since...
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so I've shot two new sets (finally, my gawd haha) on monday and can't wait to submit them for member review. both sets are my new favorite pictures of myself ever taken. Agueda Zarate is an awesome photographer. I'm so impatient haha, i just want them up already :) but i have other fun stuff going on that i can distract myself with. friday is...
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finally got my vegan tattoo :) I'm super happy with it. yay !

so the summer is going well :) tomorrow is the fourth and i will be picnicking in downtown LA with Sissa and Pandie :) fun! can't wait to see the giant fireworks display.
I'm missing disneyland already and am really looking forward to going again in august (my pass is blocked out for july). I've lost 19 lbs in the last four months and i
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so so excited that cinespia has started back up again :) apart from disneyland, its my favorite thing about living in LA. Movies at the hollywood forever cemetery every saturday night during the summer. they have dj;s, a photo booth, a couple thousand people come out and my friends and i bring obscene amounts of blankets and food. saturday was my first cinespia of the...
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hope everyone is having a good one :) since im single i dont have any real plans, just working and going to dinner with a friend. trying a new place tonight called "my vegan gold". they have ribs. i repeat, they have ribs. ive been meat free for 20 years and ive never had "real" ribs (thank dog) so i wont really have anything to...
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