To get straight to the point: I need some help.
My cat Squeek has ended up in the hospital overnight (TMI details under the spoiler), and my bill is already in excess of $600.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Squeek has been having issues with constipation for a while now, but the kitty laxative that I've been giving him always seems to clear it up. Over this past weekend he started to have problems again, but this time it just went from bad to worse.
At about six o'clock this morning he started letting out the most painful sounding meows. I packed him up as quickly as I could and got him over to the Emergency Vet. After a couple of enemas he still hadn't passed the blockage, but they sent me home to wait it out. They told me that if he hasn't gone by late afternoon, that I should get him back in to see a vet.
Well, he was still having trouble all day, and by late afternoon it looked as though he was starting to prolapse from all the straining.

I called up his vet and then got him over there just before closing time.
He is now going to be staying overnight at the vet on I.V. fluids, and is going to recieve enemas tonight and tomorrow morning. I can only hope that he passes the blockage, or he will need to have X-rays (big $$) and possible surgery (even bigger $$).
I really hope that he isn't in as much pain by now!
As most of you know, I'm in school at present and have no (reliable) source of income. So needless to say, I'm in some serious financial trouble.
If you wish to help me out, I have my prints for sale which can be purchased either through my Etsy shop, or my website:
Etsy Shop
...and my eBay Listings are here:
eBay Listings
I have a Paypal Donation link through my website's Contact page, but I encourage the purchase of prints and eBay items over this option. All contributions are truly, truly appreciated!!!
I will be posting an update on his condition tomorrow evening. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that he will get better by tomorrow!!