Hello, fellow perverts.
I'm not dead. I've just been extremely busy lately.
Life has been fantastic. My roommates are the best I could hope to have, and my life is inundated by wonderful people who make the very air that I breathe that much richer. I've been happy, I've been healthy, and I've been growing up, up, and away, bit by bit, inch by inch.
I'm in love with life.
Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my set. I can't believe the overwhelming response I've gotten from the community about it. I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
I've been looking for a better job and I've made a goal for myself. A week from now, I am giving my two weeks' notice at my current job. That gives me a deadline. I'm no longer comfortable in my rut there. I am meant for better things.
As some of you may remember, back in May I donated my eggs to a very sweet couple in need of them. Well, we were hopeful up until the very end that there would be a positive result, but the pregnancy didn't take. When they asked me to try one more time, I couldn't refuse. I started the fertility drugs yesterday, and in two weeks they'll harvest Lucy caviar from the deepest depths of my loins. I am hoping that this time it'll result in a positive pregnancy. Wish me luck, keep me in your thoughts, pray for me. We could use all the help we can get on this one.
I bought a red lingerie set for the first time in my life yesterday. I think I'm going to start buying more. I've been wearing it all day and I instantly feel more powerful, sexier, and ready to ride the world head-on.
Speaking of underwear, Aspen's newest creation is fantastic. I'd suggest you run to the shop and pick one up.

It's just the prettiest thing, isn't it?

I have a mission for you, guys. I want you to make three strangers smile over the course of this week, and come back to my journal and tell me how you did it. And don't make shit up, ether. I want you to actually do this for me.
I'll do it too, and post my results.
Love you all.
love lucy
I'm not dead. I've just been extremely busy lately.
Life has been fantastic. My roommates are the best I could hope to have, and my life is inundated by wonderful people who make the very air that I breathe that much richer. I've been happy, I've been healthy, and I've been growing up, up, and away, bit by bit, inch by inch.
I'm in love with life.
Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my set. I can't believe the overwhelming response I've gotten from the community about it. I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
I've been looking for a better job and I've made a goal for myself. A week from now, I am giving my two weeks' notice at my current job. That gives me a deadline. I'm no longer comfortable in my rut there. I am meant for better things.
As some of you may remember, back in May I donated my eggs to a very sweet couple in need of them. Well, we were hopeful up until the very end that there would be a positive result, but the pregnancy didn't take. When they asked me to try one more time, I couldn't refuse. I started the fertility drugs yesterday, and in two weeks they'll harvest Lucy caviar from the deepest depths of my loins. I am hoping that this time it'll result in a positive pregnancy. Wish me luck, keep me in your thoughts, pray for me. We could use all the help we can get on this one.
I bought a red lingerie set for the first time in my life yesterday. I think I'm going to start buying more. I've been wearing it all day and I instantly feel more powerful, sexier, and ready to ride the world head-on.
Speaking of underwear, Aspen's newest creation is fantastic. I'd suggest you run to the shop and pick one up.

It's just the prettiest thing, isn't it?

I have a mission for you, guys. I want you to make three strangers smile over the course of this week, and come back to my journal and tell me how you did it. And don't make shit up, ether. I want you to actually do this for me.
I'll do it too, and post my results.
Love you all.
love lucy
I like to make peopple smile while Im at work,
when someone comes up to the bakery,
I tell them something I like what theyre wearing, or make a joke..
I dunnoo..little stuff helps.
<3 I adore your kindness.
friday is september 15th.