That's how I've celebrated Women's day, so far - staying home and relaxing, drinking some good wine, listening to some good music.

You know, after 8 hours of work in a crowded help-desk of a supermarket, that's the best I can do. Next on these screens: an hot soup and my bed.
Honestly, I'm not into clubbing March the 8th: everywhere you go, you find over excited noisy chicks, drunk as fuck and dressed like nasty hoes. I mean, why you have to wait for a particular night to act "wild"? Do you really need an excuse?
I have to apology for being a bit of a m.i.a. lately, but my on-the-job training comes to and end in a week and I've been very busy: I'm studying for my final project - we were asked to formulate a possible commercial plan, taking insights from these six months of "experience on the field" - and at the same time I still have to work my day schedule. Crazy, I say. That's why I couldn't find time to hang around on here...
However, I can't wait for this to be over! A decent contract or nothing at all, I swear both these options are better than what I've been living since September! >__<
On photographic news, I'm still shooting.
Yep. A lot less, but luckily I'm still finding interesting people to share ideas with, and paid gigs too! As I've been saying today to my therapist, it's something I'm trying to keep in my life despite being super-busy at work. Modeling releases me and makes me happy.
Gotta go.

If you still care for spreading some love on my last set, here's the link!

Don't forget to follow me on tumblr, twitter and instagram - @brokendollhatesyou.
Take care,

That's how I've celebrated Women's day, so far - staying home and relaxing, drinking some good wine, listening to some good music.

You know, after 8 hours of work in a crowded help-desk of a supermarket, that's the best I can do. Next on these screens: an hot soup and my bed.
Honestly, I'm not into clubbing March the 8th: everywhere you go, you find over excited noisy chicks, drunk as fuck and dressed like nasty hoes. I mean, why you have to wait for a particular night to act "wild"? Do you really need an excuse?
I have to apology for being a bit of a m.i.a. lately, but my on-the-job training comes to and end in a week and I've been very busy: I'm studying for my final project - we were asked to formulate a possible commercial plan, taking insights from these six months of "experience on the field" - and at the same time I still have to work my day schedule. Crazy, I say. That's why I couldn't find time to hang around on here...
However, I can't wait for this to be over! A decent contract or nothing at all, I swear both these options are better than what I've been living since September! >__<
On photographic news, I'm still shooting.
Yep. A lot less, but luckily I'm still finding interesting people to share ideas with, and paid gigs too! As I've been saying today to my therapist, it's something I'm trying to keep in my life despite being super-busy at work. Modeling releases me and makes me happy.
Gotta go.

Don't forget to follow me on tumblr, twitter and instagram - @brokendollhatesyou.
Take care,
Good way to celebrate your day, woman's day.

Looks like you had a relaxing day!